Monday, October 19, 2009

Sin is Covered

Today we focus on the psalm. We'll read the Genesis reading first, then concentrate on Psalm 32. May God bless our study today.

Read Genesis 35

Read Psalm 32

Have you ever had the guilt burn inside of you? Your ears feel hot, your stomach sour, your chest feel burdened? King David has. He describes the feeling eloquently, "When I kept silent, my bones wasted away."

David knew the horrid guilt. But he also knew the forgiveness. And if King David, a leader of a nation, and a role model for a country can fall, and yet rise up again in God's forgiveness, than I too can confess my sin and be forgiven.

What a joy it is to know that my forgiveness is not something I earn, but is given by God. This Psalm is quoted in Romans 4. There Paul makes it clear that our forgiveness comes by faith, not works. Our sin is covered. Our iniquity forgiven. The blood of Jesus was shed for me, for you.

Jesus sacrificed himself to hide my sin. He hid my sin in his own body and carried it to the cross where my sin was punished by God. Jesus had no sin, but he became sin for me that I might receive his righteousness. In baptism I am clothed with Christ's righteousness. Though I have fallen short in keeping the commands of God, I am given a new start. Not a second chance to impress God. But a new life, in which I am privileged to joyfully live for God.

Jesus tells us to forgive others as he has forgiven us. In fact, we even pray as much in the Lord's Prayer. 1 Peter 4:8 uses the language of this psalm to remind us to forgive others. Peter says, "Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." You don't have to shed your blood to cover another's sins. In fact, it wouldn't work even if you tried. But the love of Christ covers sin. And his love is displayed through you. Therefore, we are to forgive others who sin against us. And we are joyful and eager to do so. We remember the burning guilt caused by our own sin. We remember that others are suffering from their own mistakes. And we remember that we then have the power to extend Christ's forgiveness to them. What a privilege!

Ask Yourself:

Am I familiar with the burning guilt?

If not, do I really take God's commands seriously? If yes, what do I do about it?

Am I eager to forgive those who sin against me? Am I eager to speak God's forgiveness to those burdened with guilt?


Pray the Lord's Prayer today.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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