Friday, October 23, 2009

How Precious is Your Steadfast Love!

Welcome again to another day of the study of God's Word. What a joy it is for me to be delving into the richness of His life-giving Word everyday! I pray that you stay committed and share in that joy as well. May my humble thoughts, and the meditation of your hearts, be pleasing to God Almighty and the Lamb who sits on the throne!

Read Psalm 36

Read Genesis 39

King David prayed Psalm 36. I would be willing to bet that Joseph prayed something similar. Who knows the fears and terrors that went through his mind! What would a slave be required to do in Egypt? What is that land like? How poorly will I be treated?

But we see quickly that the Lord was with Joseph. Yahweh, the God who made the covenant with his great-grandfather Abraham was with Joseph to protect him, provide for him, and prosper him. Yes, the precious steadfast love of the Lord was upon Joseph. He arises into a high standing quickly in Potiphar's house. Joseph takes care of all the affairs of the house well, so that Potiphar's only worry is "What's for dinner?"

Joseph is a righteous man, and he flees sexual temptation. (God's Word instructs us to do the same: 1 Cor. 6:18). He glorifies God with his actions, and also shows great wisdom. He is unfairly accused and betrayed by Potiphar's wife, just as he was unfairly treated and betrayed by his brothers. So now the slave Joseph becomes a prisoner Joseph. Could it get any worse!? Yes! You see, this is not so bad for Joseph. God is still with him. He gains the respect of the jail keeper. Just like Potiphar, the Jailer worries over nothing. Joseph, in a sense, becomes the lord of the jail. Nothing happened if it was not his doing. God is prospering Joseph again, and more than that, God is positioning him to rise even higher in Egypt. One step back, two steps forward.

But as we recall, Joseph's rise to power in Egypt will not just be for Joseph's benefit. Just as Potiphar was blessed because of Joseph, and the jailer was blessed because of Joseph, so also all of Egypt and the surrounding area will be blessed by the God of Joseph, who provides for their needs through Joseph his faithful servant. So let's not be deceived by a prosperity theology that says, "See! If you just live this way or that, you will please God and he will bless you with wealth and riches!" No. Let us rather say "See! If you live righteously according to God's Will, by the grace of God he will use you in incredible ways for his purposes!" There is a difference. God has promised you heavenly riches, not earthly ones. God has not promised wealth in this life, but he has promised that you, his servant, will be used for his glory.

Indeed, God's steadfast love is precious! It benefits each and every one of us who believes in Jesus! So, just as David prayed Psalm 36, and just as Joseph must have prayed something similar in thankfulness to God, we also pray, (and make this your closing prayer today):

5 Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the clouds.
6 Your righteousness is like the mountains of God;
your judgments are like the great deep;
man and beast you save, O LORD.

7 How precious is your steadfast love, O God!
The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
8They feast on the abundance of your house,
and you give them drink from the river of your delights.
9For with you is the fountain of life;
in your light do we see light.

Ask Yourself:

In what ways have I succeeded (by the grace of God) to flee sexual immorality? In what ways have I failed?

Do I attribute my success in life to my hard work and determination, or to God?

How can I better be responsible, righteous before men, and skilled in my job or other vocation (calling in life)?


Psalm 36:5-9

Study with me tomorrow!

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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