Saturday, October 24, 2009

Be Patient

Read Psalm 37

Quote from Luther: "The message is this: Learn to have endurance. Take your heart to God and do not let yourself be vexed. Do not become envious, or curse, or with evil to fall, or murmur, or look at them with hatred...For it is a great and difficult art to manifest such patient longsuffering, when reason and all the heathen count envy as virtue." Reading the Psalms with Luther, CPH.

Read Genesis 40

God's plan is at work. While Joseph is in charge of everything that happens in the jail, he still is himself a prisoner. But God gives two of the inmates special dreams, and he gives Joseph insight into the meaning. Joseph can do this only by the special revelation of God, not by any other human wisdom or other supernatural powers. Joseph himself says it, "Do not interpretations belong to God?"

And so the cupbearer is restored, just as Joseph said. But he forgets to tell Pharaoh about Joseph. How could this be! Oh, we should expect it. Too many people forget to be grateful to God after he has done something marvelous. Too many people forget to show thanks to other humans who have helped them greatly. We too have forgotten to give thanks.

But when we have received the comfort and the inheritance that Psalm 37 speaks repeatedly about, then let us sing praise to God. For we must be patient for a while (and we are so impatient!), but after the time of waiting, God will bring his plan to fulfillment.

And so at the end of Genesis 40, Joseph is still waiting in prison. But God will jar the cupbearer's memory, and he will become a bearer of good news to Pharaoh: there is one in prison who can interpret dreams!

But for now, Joseph waits patiently. Oh, may we have the strength by the Holy Spirit to do the same!

Ask Yourself:

How is my impatience visible most frequently?

How can I show gratitude to God and to my neighbors today?

How many times does Psalm 37 promise a blessed inheritance to those who are in Christ? How can I continually remind myself of that in times of plenty and in times of lack?


Oh may this bounteous God
Through all our life be near us,
With ever joyful hearts
And blessed peace to cheer us
And keep us in His grace
And guide us when perplexed
And free us from all ills
In this world and the next!

(LSB 895:2)

Study with me Monday,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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