Friday, October 2, 2009

The Last Laugh

I've heard it said that if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. Maybe the converse is also true. When God tells us his plans, sometimes we laugh as well. Abraham and Sarah laughed. But today God gets the last laugh. Before we get to that, however, we begin with a psalm that praises God for his remarkable creation, and calls us to hear and genuinely contemplate the Word that this mighty Creator gives us. May this Mighty God bless our study of his Word today.

Read Psalm 19

This Psalm begins by praising God for his incredible creation. But more than that, David says that the creation gives constant testimony of God and his handiwork. David speaks specifically of interstellar space - often called the heavens. Notice that he talks about the sun, how (from our perspective) it sets out on its course, travels across the sky with great might. Never failing to rise and set, it proclaims the glory of God.

(Side note: some have criticized the Bible, saying that it is inaccurate when it talks about things scientific. They cite this psalm saying that Bible here declares that the sun travels around the Earth, when in fact it is the other way around. But need we criticize David for this kind of poetic description of what we observe on Earth? Don't we still talk about sunrises and sunsets? Really, should we find a new expression so we don't give the impression we think the sun orbits the Earth? The criticism is unfounded).

Yes, the heavens declare his glory. The more we learn about the fabric of spacetime, how it has been (and apparently continues) to be spread out, how objects like stars and planets stretch and stress the very fabric of time (the "firmament" described in Genesis 1?), how it continues on in beauty and majesty, how we are just still beginning to learn about it - the more we learn about it, the more we grow in amazement and wonder at God's incredible creation.

This same God, David argues in the psalm, gives us rules, instructions, counseling, precepts, his law, his Word. And what do the instructions of this glorious Creator-God do for us? Look at what David says. They make wise, the enliven the heart, they revive the soul. His Word gives us new life.

Then, David transitions to talking about staying away from sin, and having no hidden faults. We, God's people, desire to be blameless and pure. And what is the connection to the rest of the psalm? It is God's Word that accomplishes this. The Creator God creates again. He remakes us, so that we might declare his glory as the heavens also do. Thanks be to God!

Read Genesis 21

Today God has the last laugh. Abraham chuckled. Sarah giggled. Others, when they hear of it, will slap their knees and let out a loud guffaw. Someone might even chortle. But God has the last laugh. "Isaac" means "he laughs." I like to think that "he" refers to God. Not just a laughing at us worked up humans, but a joy and delight to bring about salvation. The promised line continues that would eventually lead to the Savior.

The rest of Genesis 21 sets up further plot developments. A treaty is made with the one who rules over the Philistines. We've heard of them before. Will the treaty be kept? I think we remember a little to know that that one will end badly. Also, Hagar and Ishmael are sent away. God promises to protect Ishmael and make him a nation, since he is Abraham's son as well. This will prove to be a test of faith for the chosen line, because Ishmael will become a nation much more quickly than Isaac will. Is God slow in keeping his promises? To us it most definitely seems so.

But the promise remains. And so we cling to those promises.

Ask Yourself:

Do I need to be afraid of what science discovers? Am I aware of the presuppositions that some scientists use to interpret evidence? Do I have prepared answers for them?

Do I allow the Law of God to break me down so that the Gospel and re-create me?

Am I too busy telling God my plans to accept his will in our lives and rejoice in his will being done?


Lord, let me be remade as well! Cleanse me of my sin that my soul might be revived, my life refreshed, my sorrow turned to joy, and my simplicity and sinfulness changed to wisdom, through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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