Wednesday, December 16, 2009

God's Promises and God's Wisdom

Read Proverbs 6

This chapter begins with a warning not to be a lazy sluggard. A little folding of the hands to rest, we are warned, and poverty will overtake us. Rather, we are encouraged to be like the busy ants, working hard and planning ahead. It is good advice.

We are also encouraged once again to listen to the wisdom of our father and mother. The teachings of Godly parents are a lamp for us. They are the way of life.

Then we are warned against adultery. The best I can tell, Solomon is warning both against actual, literal adultery, and against being seduced by false and foolish teachings. What he says about adultery is true enough, and we are adequately warned not to be immoral. But when he contrasts wisdom with adultery, we are encouraged to understand that teachings that oppose true wisdom will seduce us. But these teachings are false, and very foolish for us to believe. We get burned, as if we were holding close hot coals in our arms. We will pay for believing such foolishness.

So, still in a sort of introduction to this book, we are warned to listen carefully to true, Godly wisdom. We are warned not to be seduced by the teachings of the devil, this world, or our own sinful flesh. We are instructed to walk in the light of God's Word. May God strengthen us so to do!

Read Exodus 6

God is gracious, and though Israel does not now believe Moses (since Pharaoh said "no" and increased the burden of their labor), and though Moses does not believe that Pharaoh will listen, and though no one seems to be believing or acting, God continues to make his gracious promises. Are we so reluctant to believe his promises? Are we so reluctant to act? God's Word empowers Moses and Aaron in the end, because we see that the indeed go. Therefore, there is hope for us too! God's Word can (and will) overcome our doubts, our disbelief, and the crippling effects those have in living for the Lord.

Therefore as someone once cried out to Jesus, "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!" so also we cry the same.

A genealogy interrupts the narrative account briefly in this chapter. The reason is to show that Aaron and Moses are respectable Levites, worthy of some respect of the people. It also reminds them of the importance of the Levites in Israel's history (as we'll see more and more).

Ask Yourself:

What false and foolish voices are trying to seduce you?

Are their lazy areas in my life that could use a boost of activity?

My Savior promises to help and forgive. Will I rely on him today?


Come, Thou precious Ransom, come,
Only hope for sinful mortals!
Come, O Savior of the world!
Open are to Thee all portals.
Come, Thy beauty let us see;
Anxiously we wait for Thee.

Hail! Hosanna, David's Son!
Jesus, hear our supplication!
Let Thy kingdom, scepter, crown,
Bring us blessing and salvation,
That forever we may sing:
Hail! Hosanna to our King.

(LSB 350 1, 4)

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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