Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lion of Judah

Today we hear of our Mighty Warrior, our Valiant One, or Lion, our King of the Universe, Jesus Christ. May God bless our study.

Read Psalm 46

A famous hymn is based on this psalm. We know it was written by Martin Luther. We supplement our Bible study today by focusing also on these words

A mighty fortress is our God, a trusty shield and weapon;
He helps us free from every need that hath us now overtaken.
The old evil foe now means deadly woe; deep guile and great might
Are his dread arms in fight; on Earth is not his equal.

With might of ours can naught be done, soon were our loss effected;
But for us fights the Valiant One, whom God Himself elected.
Ask ye, who is this? Jesus Christ it is.
Of Sabaoth Lord, and there’s none other God;
He holds the field forever.

Though devils all the world should fill, all eager to devour us.
We tremble not, we fear no ill, they shall not overpower us.
This world’s prince may still scowl fierce as he will,
He can harm us none, he’s judged; the deed is done;
One little word can fell him.

The Word they still shall let remain nor any thanks have for it;
He’s by our side upon the plain with His good gifts and Spirit.
And take they our life, goods, fame, child and wife,
Though these all be gone, our vict'ry has been won,
The Kingdom ours remaineth.

Read Genesis 49

"Jacob blesses his sons" is the subtitle of this section. Some of them sound more like curses than blessings. But not Judah's blessing. To Judah the brothers will bow. Judah is a lion. The ruling scepter will not depart from Judah. We also hear about a donkey, wine, blood - all things that would seem random and bizarre if we weren't familiar with the story of Jesus.

But because we are familiar with the account of Jesus, we see that this prophecy is clearly Messianic. From the line of Judah, Jesus is the Eternal King. He is the Lion prophesied here. He vanquishes, he rules, he reigns, he triumphs.

In his death and resurrection Jesus has defeated the devil and his fierce weapons sin and death. Jesus has won the victory. He will bring us safely to our eternal rest. He holds the battle field forever. Praise him forever!

Ask Yourself:

Do I tremble and fear? How do I "be still" and know he is God?

Do I realize that though the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, there is a bigger stronger Lion? Do I rely on Jesus, the Lion of Judah, in times of trouble and temptation?

Can I rejoice that the victory has been won even when I face hardships and loss?


Pray from your heart against fear and worry. Ask for peace and strength. Thank Jesus for being your Valiant One.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!


  1. Pastor Jon, this Bible study is a great blessing. Thank You! I really like the above quoted version of "A Mighty Fortress". God's word in this hymn is powerful.

  2. No links today. Eh hem...someone is getting lazy. :)

  3. Kevin: That is one of my favorite hymns. But if you've been following this blog for a while, you know that I have many, many hymns I call "favorite." Probably a hundred! I thank God for Martin Luther.

    Chad: There's no pleasing some people! :( Well, I hope that empowered by the Spirit you can forgive me! See the updated version: the links are now present!

    : ) ha ha.
