Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Let Your Light Shine Before Others

Today I provide a quote from Luther on the psalm, but then focus our attention on the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount as recorded by Matthew. May God bless our study today.

Read Psalm 52

Quote from Luther: "The 52nd psalm is a psalm of comfort. As the title shows, it speaks of Doeg, who betrayed David and shed much innocent blood (1 Samuel 22). He was a traitor and bloodthirsty dog, who slandered those who hope in God's Word. He reviled God's servants and incited kings and princes to shed innocent blood. Despite such malevolent people, this psalm brings comfort. It announces their reward, that they shall be removed from body, goods, house, and land. But the godly shall remain and retain God's house and His Word." (Reading the Psalms with Luther, CPH)

Read Matthew 5

This is the beginning of a most incredible sermon, the Sermon on the Mount. The sermon begins with the Beatitudes, includes wonderful instructions for holy living, teaches about prayer and the Lord's prayer, and keeps on going through the end of chapter 7. It is marvelous and helpful.

Today I want to focus on 5:16 "...let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Now, Jesus makes it clear that he has not come to abolish the Law so that we can live however we please. But rather, his disciples - (and you see in v. 1 that he is talking to "disciples," that is, to followers who believe in him) - his disciples seek to live for the Lord by living within the laws God has setup. You see, to be forgiven and renewed means that we are now free to do what we couldn't before: keep the law.

So we live for the Lord in many ways, and as we do, our light shines. This is what modern Christians like to call "lifestyle evangelism." That is, you model the love of Christ, you model righteousness, peace, kindness, you model an orderly and good life, and others notice. Some, when they have taken note, will come to learn of God's love through us. They will learn of the righteousness and love of Jesus that is alive and well in us. They will be impacted by our lives. Their hurts will find healing. Their problems will find solutions. Their need will find provision. Their questions will find answers.

So with our actions and with our words we let our lights shine before others. What does that look like? Well, the rest of chapter 5 is filled with advice. Jesus teaches against being angry and holding grudges. He preaches against lust and adultery. He admonishes us uphold the sanctity of marriage. He warns against misusing God's name with frivolous or false oaths. He preaches against taking revenge. He instructs us to love our enemies.

That's quite a list, and Jesus is going to continue. I have a lot to learn. I could probably benefit by coming back to this sermon every week. I know today I resolve to do better, so that my light can shine brighter. I have great peace knowing that where I have fallen short, my Savior has not. He lived perfectly, and died to redeem me, a lost and condemned creature. Now Jesus, the Light of the World, shines through me. What a privilege! I get to follow these instructions of Jesus so that my light can shine too! I get to. Not have to. Get to.

This is why I want to do good works. "Good works are meant to lead others to glorify our heavenly Father, not to bring praise to the one who does them. Leading people to worship the true God is the whole purpose of doing good deeds." May my deeds shine Jesus' light always!

Ask Yourself:

Which teachings of Jesus today were the most comforting and encouraging?

Which of Jesus' teachings were the most difficult for me to read today?

Which teachings today do I need to remind myself often, so that I can better shine God's light?


Lord, help me to witness by my words and my deeds. Help me to be good salt and a shining light wherever I am. When my light burns dim, then fuel my flame by your Holy Spirit, that I might be a more effective witness of your forgiveness, your love, and your power. Lord, help me especially to touch the lives of ____(names)______ who need to be cleansed, forgiven, and helped by you. As you use me to reach them, let all good deeds be for your glory, not mine. Amen.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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