Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Divine Rest

O Holy Spirit, speak to us today. Ease our burdens, and quiet the unrest of our lives. Bless our study of Your Word today.

Read Psalm 58

As we read this, one of the most violent psalms, we remember that God helps give expression (that is, gives us appropriate words to use) when we are justly angered, outraged at wickedness, and desiring justice. Though we keep our hands from any kind of violence or revenge, we call out strongly and truly to the God of vengeance.

If we do not feel justly angry at the time, this psalms seems too strong and too violent for our liking. However, we must still pray it on behalf of our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ. They are calling out to God for help and justice. We join in their prayer.

Read Matthew 11

Last night I talked to a friend for the first time since his wife miscarried. They have no answer to the "why" question that weighs on their hearts. And one may never come. They must only trust that God is love, and allow God to heal them over time.

In ministry, I often give pastoral care to people who have lost loved ones, those who are going through a tough time financially, those who have had their world turned upside down in one way or another, those who are terribly sick, and those who are facing their own death. In this life we have numerous sorrows and troubles.

But we are not left without hope and comfort. Jesus promises that he will give us rest. "Take my yoke upon you," he invites us, "and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." He assures us that his burden is light. He promises, "Come to me,...and I will give you rest."

Oh, does my friend and his wife need that rest and peace. Oh, do all the people I minister to need their burdens lightened by Christ. Oh, do I need his daily comfort and sustenance as well.

The world does not recognize the rest that Jesus gives. This is why Jesus praises his Father that it is "hidden" from the so-called wise and learned. But this rest is given and revealed to us, the Father's little children.

Baptized into Christ, renewed by the Gospel, fed by His own Body and Blood, we receive divine rest. And if we do not receive all the answers we seek in this life, we know that we can at least trust that God is love, and that he is by our side everyday to give us peace, comfort, hope, and even rest.

Ask Yourself:

What burdens has my own sin placed upon me?

What burdens do I hand over to my Savior today?

Do I realize that his yoke, the cross that I carry for him, is light because he is shouldering the load? What can I do to remind myself of this more often?


Pray from your heart today concerning the hurt, pain, suffering, and unrest in your life and in the lives of those around you. Thank God that Jesus removes those burdens from us and, in time, gives us rest. Thank God that total perfect rest is guaranteed to us by the Holy Spirit who lives in us.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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