Monday, January 3, 2011

Inquire of the Lord

Read 1 Chronicles 14

Read Isaiah 15

A comment on 1 Chronicles 14 today:

From the Lutheran Study Bible: "The Philistines, disturbed that David is now king over all Israel, attack him twice and are defeated. David inquires of and relies on the Lord for victory. For our plans to have God's blessings, we must call on Him and submit to the judgment of His Word. Yet when we are weak, the Lord Himself will fight for us, especially against sin, death, and the devil" (p. 494).

I thought this was a helpful brief summary that reminds us to inquire on the Lord. One thing we have to remember, though, is that when we pray for wisdom and guidance, what then should we expect to happen? Well, because we are God's children and pray that in Jesus' name (that is, according to God's Will and at his invitation), then we can be assured that God will guide and give us wisdom.

We should not expect, however, that God is necessarily going to speak to us audibly. There are some who have claimed they have heard God speak audibly to them. I won't argue with them. I believe God do that when he chooses. But ordinarily (and this is really our only assurance) God will answer through his the word of Scripture. He can also speak to his people as they give Godly advice. This is how we should expect God to answer today.

How else will I know that God is speaking? My own impulses are unreliable. My thoughts and feelings change constantly. How do I know that some still small voice I hear inside me isn't just me talking? That's why I need the assurance of hearing God speak outside of myself. I can be sure and certain in the pages of Scripture. And regarding the godly advice of others, well, I can use my God given reason and their advice and reach the best conclusion we can reach, and then ask God to bless that decision. We won't always hear God telling us to take this job or that, or move to that place or this one, etc. But we can be sure that God will continue to lead and to guide us.

Yes, Jesus Christ who laid down his life for us and rose for us, promises that God will hear our prayers and he will answer. So, why don't we always go to the Lord in prayer and inquire of him before we start a task?

There's something to think about, and something to seek to improve upon. God will answer! So let us pray!

Ask Yourself:

How often/much do I pray throughout the day?

What can I do to become more disciplined in the difficult (but wonderful!) task of prayer?

What difficult challenge lies before me, reminding me that I need God's wisdom and guidance?


Almighty God, our refuge and our help, Fountain of wisdom and Tower of strength, I can do nothing without Your guidance and help. Assist me, I pray You, and direct me by Your divine wisdom and power, that I may accomplish this task and whatever I may undertake to do faithfully and diligently, according to Your will, so that it may be for my good and for the good of others and to the glory of Your holy name. For to You we render glory - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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