Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hear...and Forgive

Read 2 Chronicles 6

Read Isaiah 36

Solomon makes it clear that the temple would be the gracious presence of God. He prays a great and marvelous prayer at the temple's dedication. He points out that God's promises have been fulfilled. David indeed had a son to sit on the throne, and that son, Solomon, built the house of the Lord.

Though he points this out, Solomon is doing more than just tooting his horn. No, Solomon doesn't mention it because he wants praise, but to glorify God who kept his promise and who is pleased to dwell with his people in grace and mercy.

How do we know? Because in Solomon's prayer he repeats over and over that if the people are in any trouble, or distress, or have fallen into sin, or face this situation or that one, they should call out to God. And Solomon asks God, at this the dedication of the temple, to hear and to forgive sins. He asks that God would hear their cries for mercy and grant protection, rain and abundance, and prosperity in the Promised Land.

Solomon's prayer is heard, and in just a couple chapters we will read that God promises he will "hear" and will "forgive" (7:14). What a wonderful and blessed thing it is that God is faithful and just to forgive sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness!

And we may no longer have the one temple, one place of worship where we can encounter God's gracious presence, but that is OK. Jesus even prophesies that a time was coming soon when God's people would not worship in Jerusalem or on the mountain necessarily, but that we would worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4). Now God's gracious presence isn't tied so much to a location, but to the means he has established. Indeed, when we gather together around God's holy Word and his life-giving sacraments we are assured that Jesus is present, that we are united with him, that his promises give us life, his Body and Blood grant us forgiveness of sins. In this way God graciously assures us that he does hear our pleas for mercy and he does forgive.

Yes, today we can rejoice because of our Savior Jesus, who replaced the temple, whose body became the very temple, the very gracious presence of God. That temple was certainly torn down, and Jesus certainly "rebuilt" it in three days, as he rose from the dead! Thanks be to God!

Ask Yourself:

Jesus is present with me today with his grace. How does that give me comfort?

Am I facing anything that Solomon mentions in the prayer - sin, enemies, injustice, drought, etc.? How can I know that God hears and answers prayer?


Pray from your heart today concerning what is weighing on your mind. Ask for forgiveness, for strength to make it through the day, and for God's continued help and guidance.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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