Thursday, August 26, 2010

No Accident

Read Psalm 119:73-80 (Yodh)

Read 1 Samuel 9

My wife gets very frustrated with herself when she forgets to buy an item or two when she does her grocery shopping. It doesn't happen a lot, but every so often I'll have to make a special trip, or stop by on my way home from work to get just a couple things.

Sometimes it takes me a LONG TIME! In fact, it happened just a couple days ago. I was going to run in for a 2 things, but I bumped into someone I hadn't seen in a while. Actually, he saw me and ran me down because he had something he needed to tell me. This happens to pastors a lot. Thankfully, this time it was good news. I love hearing good news.

Then, when I was about to get into my car, the man who got out of the truck next to me was another someone I hadn't seen in a long time, someone who also had some stuff to tell me. Thankfully, this was good news too. I love hearing good news.

And I had a response for both of these individuals that I hope was helpful to them. I think they needed to see me and hear what I had to say. There is a reason I had to go to the grocery store precisely at 4:15 p.m. Some pastors like to call these "divine appointments." They were planned meetings, appointments made by God. They just weren't written in my handy dandy Thrivent calendar/planner!

Saul had a divine appointment in our 1 Samuel 9 reading today. There was a planned meeting, but Saul just didn't know it yet. There was a reason the donkeys went missing. It was no accident. Neither was it a coincidence that the servant recommended seeing the "man of God." (always good advice! - go seek out the wisdom of God!)

And Samuel clearly had the meal and everything prepared, knowing that God would keep his word and would carry out everything just as he said. It really is quite a remarkable story! And very encouraging!

Jesus' journey to the cross was no accident either. Everything was planned. All was prepared. It happened just the way it was supposed to. We truly have a powerful God! And a loving God - we can't forget that. God has the power to arrange things how he wills. And if he wanted to arrange it for our doom? - there would be no escaping it! But he has arranged it for our good, our forgiveness, life, and salvation!

Overwhelming? Feel like you don't deserve it? Wonder why God is so good to you? Join the club. We can only rejoice in his mercy and grace!

...and seek to make the most out of the divine appointments set before us. God will give you the words! Be bold!

Ask Yourself:

Do I believe in coincidence? Or do I believe that God directs it?

Knowing that I will have divine appointments, what can I do to be prepared?

What will be my response today for all of God's goodness in directing my life?


"Give me the confidence of faith to look beyond the petty concerns of my daily life, Lord. Especially as I gather for worship with my fellow sisters and brothers, let me see Your divine and gracious will for me." (TLSB p. 447). Help me also to be prepared to speak your Word and tell of your love when I have opportunity. Guide me always, and use me for your gracious purposes. Amen.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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