Friday, April 30, 2010

Take Courage!

Read Numbers 33

Read Acts 23

Why are we so afraid? Why do we get so worried and so worked up? Yes, the future is unknown to us, the path uncertain, the way unfamiliar. No, we don't know what tomorrow may bring, or even what will occur an hour from now. And Yes, there could be trouble and hardship ahead. Let me rephrase that...there will be trouble and hardship ahead. But there will also be courage, strength, endurance, preservation, and providence.

Today, the risen Lord Jesus appears to Paul and says, "Take courage!" Jesus says he will preserve Paul so that Paul would make it safely to Rome to proclaim the Good News there.

Do you think Paul was encouraged? You bet! Do you think that we should also take courage! Absolutely! To illustrate God's protection and care for his people we read today a number of things that should encourage us:

God delivers Israel from Egypt. God parts the sea and allows Israel safe passage. God carries them safely, though they travel and camp for 40 years. God assures them they will cross the Jordan and posses the land (and we will certainly see this come to pass).

We also see today that God rescues Paul from a riot of Sadducees and Pharisees (in a somewhat comical way). We see God rescue him from a plot to kill him (I wonder how long those godless murderers kept their vow to God Almighty and went without food or water...). And we see God begin to move Paul toward Rome, as he promised he would.

Can we look back in our life and see the hand of God? Do we have assurances that he will be with us in the future to help and protect and provide? Then why do we worry or fear?!?

Take courage. The Risen Christ is with you too.

Ask Yourself:

What fears or cares or worries weigh on my heart today?

What promises of God speak to me today?

What can I do to remind myself to worry less and trust more?


Pray from your heart today concerning all that is weighing on you. Ask God to give you the courage. Then say "Amen!" with confidence knowing that God hears and answers your prayers. God is pleased to give you all that is good!

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!


  1. Please tell me there won't be a test on Numbers 33. My memory is not that good.

  2. Ha ha. Mine isn't either! I'm glad I was never tested on this. (Or on Chapter 34!)
