Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Exception, not the Rule

Read Numbers 30

Read Acts 20

The account of Eutychus is an incredible story. It's a story that I've used in a joking manner before ("Yes, people have dozed off during a sermon of mine, but at least I never killed anyone by going on and on like Paul!") but really if we stop there it is a shame. Obviously of all the major events in Paul's travels, Luke thought this one important to include.

One thing (and probably not the only) we can draw from this story is that we can see that God is powerful and mighty, and he does conquer death. Paul was proclaiming the death and resurrection of Jesus, and it is this risen Lord, Jesus Christ, who has the power over death and grants Eutychus a resurrection. Who can blame God for permitting Eutychus to fall to his death? Eutychus would surely confess himself after he is raised that it was for God's glory and that all might firmly trust in his name. And who can blame God for permitting other afflictions in our life? We too will surley confess ourselves that it is for God's glory. We will glorify him in the next life. I pray we don't wait until then.

Yes, we too can firmly trust in his name, even when we see that extraordinary miracles are the exception, not the rule. Yes, sadly, we Christians have to suffer the loss of loved ones. Wouldn't it be great if gathered around the body of a deceased fellow believer we could command that person to rise! But this is not the way God ordinarily works. Not that God couldn't raise the dead - he can, and he will! But God is pleased to call his people home to heaven. God is pleased to comfort those who mourn and strengthen them to trust in him. God is pleased to help us through affliction and to use those trials to draw us closer to him.

So, we would like to command all our problems to go away, just as Paul commanded Eutychus in the name of Jesus to rise up. But that is not the ordinary way. So, trusting that God can conquer death, we wait patiently for the Last Day and the resurrection of all flesh. Trusting that God can heal, we wait patiently in the hospital bed for help. Trusting that God is love, we willingly bear our crosses for him.

And by the account of Eutychus we are graciously reminded that God is powerful. Help me, O Lord, for I trust in You!


"Dear Jesus, thank You for Your resurrection from the dead, which guarantees our resurrection. Through Your Holy Spirit, grant us faith always to remember that physical death is not the end of true life with You. Amen." (TLSB, p. 1879)

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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