Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wise or Foolish?

Having finished Joshua we are now going to move on to Judges. Let's take a break from the Psalms for a while, and we'll read 1 Corinthians next. So we'll have an OT and a NT reading each day for a while. They may or may not relate clearly, but we KNOW they will be edifying. I am so thankful that God gives us his marvelous Word to help us in any situation in life! On with our study:

Read Judges 1

Read 1 Corinthians 1

Let's focus on the 1 Corinthians reading today, shall we? I feel sorry for a lot of people in our world today. Every time they find a new fossil, they have to sit down and revise their whole theory of how the world came about. "Maybe the earth is two billion years FOUR billion. Yes, that's better. And maybe we didn't evolve from the chimpanzee, but maybe we both evolved from a still-undiscovered common ancestor. Yes, that sounds good. And isn't it interesting that this 14 million year old dinosaur bone still has bone marrow in it? Hmmm...not sure what to make of that, or how that is possible" etc.

Did you know that millions of dollars are being spent on detecting neutrinos in the Antarctic ice (using what they call the IceCube telescope) in the hopes of learning about the world's origin? Did you know that they are spending millions on a hadron collider over in Europe to try and discover what happened right after the big bang? (Note: my comments are directed at their false assumptions, not the really cool science they are employing!)

And what about all the people who are mistaken about Jesus. They have all kinds of misconceptions about him and he is a joke to them, something to mock. And to them, his followers are idiots.

Yes, we Christians are often the laughingstock of the world. Since we are not without sin, we do deserve some of the criticisms. But God is not laughing at us. God pleased with us. He forgives our sins, and he even patiently endures our foolish comments, mistakes, and many false presumptions (though we should always strive for wisdom). And God declares through St. Paul that he has indeed made us wise.

In fact, "God chose what is low and despised in the world, even the things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God..." (v. 28-30)

Humble before God, boasting only in him, we rejoice in the cross. It is foolishness to the world. But we see it as the wisdom of God, and our salvation. And we cling firmly to his Word. There is truth in it, and great comfort. For those who are trapped in the lies of the Devil, let us pity them, have mercy on them, and therefore seek to proclaim the truth to them in a spirit of love. God is able yet to give them wisdom. And then there will be more people to boast in the Lord.

In the meantime, we can rejoice that we have a cosmology that doesn't need to be revised every time they find a new fossil. We find that cosmology (or study of the beginning of the universe) in Gen. 1 and 2. We also have a soteriology (study of salvation) that doesn't need constant revision either. In Scripture we learn about our God, about how he is loving, and about how he conquers with the cross.

So, though I be considered an idiot, I wear the name Christian with great pride, I proclaim the cross, I boast in the Lord, and I know that in the end, we saints will be shown to be wise. Thanks be to God!

Ask Yourself:

How does it affect me when I am criticized for my faith?

How does the Devil attack God's Word today?

How can I strengthen my resolve to cling to the truth?


"Dear Lord, thank You for revealing Yourself to me by Your cross. Receive this weak sinner and strengthen me for service. Amen." (TLSB p. 1949)

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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