Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Not Superior, Not Inferior

Read Judges 12

Read 1 Corinthians 12

One Body, many members. Jesus is the head of the body - not me, not you. We are all important parts, or members. of His Body. We're not all the same. We don't have the same roles or functions. But we do all have roles and functions. And we are all supposed to follow his lead, just as in the human body it is the brain (or head) that sends the commands to the rest of the body.

This should help humble us when we feel superior to other Christians. First of all, if we have gifts, we must remember that these come from God. And second of all, we must remember that another brother or sister is just as important as we are. God doesn't have to use me. He could easily replace me with someone else, probably with someone who could do better. Therefore, I should feel humble and privileged that God would use me.

But this teaching about the Body of Christ should also lift us up when we feel inferior. Each of us is an indispensable part of His Body, and important member of the Church! He uses me and you to fill unique roles in his Kingdom. And we ought to feel bold and courageous when we act in accordance with Christ. He commands, and we respond. He is the Head, and we do his bidding. And each of us can truly say, "only I can do what he has called me to do." No one else is in the exact situation that another is in. Isn't that incredible?

Maybe it sounds like a contradiction. I like to think of it as ideas in an appropriate "tension." It's a paradox of sorts. It is a message that humbles us when we are arrogant, and encourages us when we are down.

And, if we humans are worried that we are going to make a fine mess of everything, we can rejoice that Jesus is still the Head. He is Lord of the Church, Head of the Body, the Savior, Redeemer, and King of Kings. Thank God, He is still in control.

Ask Yourself:

How do I feel superior to other Christians? Is that how God wants me to feel?

How do I feel inferior to other Christians? Is that how God wants me to feel?


Pray from your heart today, that God would enable you to keep proper respect of your brothers and sisters, fellow members of the Body. Pray also that he would encourage and embolden you to serve as only you can.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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