Saturday, January 2, 2010

Miraculous Provision

Read Proverbs 13:13-25

Read Exodus 17

A large group of people are traveling through the wilderness. It is understandable that they run out of food and water! And we (who are eager sinners too) understand Israel's grumbling. This is a reminder and warning for us to grumble as if God were cruel or forgetful. Israel tested God with their impatience and sin.

But God remains gracious. In the previous chapter he provides quail in the evening, and then in the manna there is the "manna." He provides meat and bread for them. In fact, the bread comes to them every morning, six days a week (kind of like this blog!). In chapter 17 we see God provide water from the rock. Then we see God provide protection for Israel over its enemies.

God provides: food, water, protection. Not just for Israel, but for us too. And this food and drink and protection is not only physical provision, but spiritual. Luther says, "Faith is the prerequisite before everything. If one has faith, all other things gush forth from it, like water from the rock and stone" (TLSB p. 124). Indeed, St. Paul in 1 Cor. 10:4 shows that this rock that gushed water pointed forward to Christ, from whom they spiritually drank.

Yes, in Christ, our Rock, our Bread, our Protection, we see that all our needs of body and soul are met.

Therefore, let me not worry or fear in this life. Let me not stray from his commands (as Israel did with their grumbling and their ignoring Moses' instructions regarding the gathering of manna). Rather, let me trust, be content, be thankful, and walk in God's ways. May Jesus, my Savior, forgive me when I fail. May the Spirit who abides in me through baptism and faith strengthen me to live for the Lord. And May the Father continue to provide for my every need. Thanks be to God!

Ask Yourself:

We are instructed to pray for our daily bread. We are instructed to call out to the Lord in times of trouble. But do I cry out with grumbling, or with faith? What is a healthy balance between trusting and crying out?

Do I regularly eat and drink the spiritual food of Christ? Am I regular in Word and Sacrament ministry?

How can I better walk in God's commands?


"O Lord, our Rock, grant us the insight of faith, and give us the stability, refuge, and living water that we need. Amen." (TLSB p. 124).

Study with me Monday,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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