Thursday, January 21, 2010


Read Proverbs 21:16-31

Read Exodus 33

God had relented from bringing disaster upon his people, and was prepared to send them on up to the Promised Land, but he told them that they would go without him. He would clear the way and lead them to defeat their enemies and possess the land as promised, but his presence (pillar of fire and pillar of smoke) would not go with them.

It was devastating news to the sinful people. To be without God's presence of grace and power, well, what could be worse? God is speaking his harsh Law to them to facilitate honest repentance and to sternly warn them against further idolatry.

But our loving and gracious God is willing to be persuaded. Moses takes the role of intercessor. He pleads with God that God's presence is necessary in order for all people to know that God has lovingly chosen a covenant people. God relents and says, "My presence will go with you." And more than that, he agrees to show Moses his glory, or at least the backside of his glory.

Moses is a type of Christ, that is, he prefigures and points forward to Christ. Jesus makes intercession for sinners. When he was on the earth, he prayed for us. When he was being crucified he cried out, "Father, forgive them." And now that he is raised, he continues his priestly role (remember this from the Catechism?) to make intercession for us. Yes, he continues to plead for our forgiveness, protection, and providing.

As Isaiah 53:12 says, "He poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors."

Thanks be to God!

Ask Yourself:

What sins do I have weighing on me today for which Jesus makes intercession?

How can I better remember to pray for others as Moses did?

How can I live in thanksgiving for my Savior today?


Heavenly Father, you protect me and provide for me out of your Divine goodness, not because I have earned or deserved it. For this I give you thanks and praise. I pray that for the sake of Christ you would behold me with mercy and grace, and let me display your glory with my words and actions. Hear my intercessory prayer now as I pray for people in need who are on my heart...(names). Help, save, comfort, and defend us, gracious God. Amen.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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