Read Proverbs 26:17-28
Read Mark 3
Jesus does not disrespect his family - his mother and brothers. (And the word "brothers" may also include "sisters," we don't know for sure). We know that he loves them as he loves all people. We know that he always kept the 4th commandment perfectly - always honoring father and mother. We know he kept the 5th commandment perfectly - never hurting or harming his fellow family members. We know he loved them perfectly.
But Jesus in verses 33-35 gives an answer that sounds harsh to them. He ignores his family, but strangers his family!
But really, if we understand that he truly does love them, and in fact, truly loves us, then we do not see his answer as harsh. His very love for us compels him to answer so. We are not left out of his eternal family. Rather, we are included! The very Son of God and Son of Man is pleased to take on human form and call us his brothers and sisters!
He doesn't judge us as our sins deserve (though those who reject the saving gift of faith of the Holy Spirit will face punishment, as Jesus points out in verses 28-29). He didn't come down to terrify and destroy. No. He came to help. To heal. To make us whole. To do good. Sinful humans followed their own ways over showing love (which is why the Pharisees wouldn't tolerate Jesus doing good on the Sabbath, verses 1-6). Yet Jesus' love overcomes our lack of love.
And now, baptized into God's family, Jesus is my Brother. Amazing Grace!
Ask Yourself:
How do I follow my own heart rather than doing good toward someone else?
Who do I know that is rejecting faith in Jesus? What can I do about it?
How can I let the fact that Jesus calls me his brother or sister impact me today?
Pray: From "Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light"
All blessing, thanks, and praise to Thee,
Lord Jesus Christ, be given:
Thou hast my Brother deigned to be,
Thou Lord of earth and heaven.
Help me throughout this day of grace
To praise Thy love and seek Thy face;
And when I stand before Thee
Forever to adore Thee.
(LSB 378:3)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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