Read Leviticus 6
Read Romans 6
I cling firmly to my baptism. It is easy to become discouraged by troubles and trials. It is easy to feel guilty and worthless. It is easy to become frustrated with the self (and we'll see Paul frustrated with his own sinful flesh in tomorrow's reading).
But even still, I am set free from death. I am buried with Christ in baptism, therefore my sin dies with him. I am raised with Christ in baptism, therefore I have a new life now, and eternal life in heaven promised to me. This has daily implications as I drown my sin each day in a remembrance of baptism and rise, forgiven by Christ, to a new life for him.
Try this every morning. Cross yourself and say the words that were spoken over you in your baptism, "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." See yourself as a child of God. Then seek to live for him.
To encourage you (and me) today, here are some verses from a great baptismal hymn:
God's own child I gladly say it:
I am baptized into Christ!
He, because I could not pay it,
Gave my full redemption price.
Do I need earth's treasures many?
I have one worth more than any
That brought me salvation free
Lasting to eternity!
Sin, disturb my soul no longer:
I am baptized into Christ!
I have comfort even stronger:
Jesus' cleansing sacrifice.
Should a guilty conscience seize me
Since my Baptism did release me
In a dear forgiving flood,
Sprinkling me with Jesus' blood?
Satan, hear this proclamation:
I am baptized into Christ!
Drop your ugly accusation,
I am not so soon enticed.
Now that to the font I've traveled,
All your might has come unraveled,
And, against your tyranny,
God, my Lord, unites with me!
(LSB 594:1-3)
I encourage you to pull out your hymnal and meditate on the rest of the hymn as well. Thanks be to God!
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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