Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Growing Kingdom

Read Proverbs 27:1-13

Read Mark 4

In today's reading, Mark goes quickly from one teaching to the next, one parable to the next. Today we have several parables of Jesus followed by the calming of the storm. The last two before Jesus calms the storm have to do with how the kingdom of God grows. (We see the growth theme in the parable of the Sower too, but that is about growth on the individual level, not on the kingdom level).

In the "Parable of the Seed Growing," which is sometimes called the "Parable of the Automatic Action of the Soil," we see much encouragement that speaks to our situation. In America Christianity is declining. We face so many subtle and blatant lies of the Devil. People are being deceived more and more. Morality is on a steady digression. Faith (true Christian faith, not some generic, spiritual "faith" that everyone talks about these days) - faith is weakening.

But this parable encourages us by reminding us that we may not know how the seed sprouts and grows, but it does. Just as the earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear, so also the Kingdom of God spreads and grows.

Here is a good explanation: "God's kingdom grows mysteriously of itself, at its own pace, and through the power of the Word. This reality often causes frustration among those who eagerly long for a rapid expansion of the Kingdom, and all the more as we only have a short-term view of things. But God's kingdom grows according to His plan and timetable. And it is a great blessing that things ultimately depend on Him and not us, for only He is able to bring home a great harvest for eternal life." (TLSB, p. 1663).

And the parable of the Mustard Seed reminds us that the Kingdom of God continues to grow - if not here, then certainly elsewhere. We must not give up sharing the Word, because God is at work wherever his Word is sown.

As we pray in the Lord's prayer, God's kingdom will come. So we pray that it may come to us also, and that God would use us for his purposes in his kingdom. Jesus, by his death and resurrection, has forgiven our sins, and baptized us into his kingdom. He desires to do the same for others. We get to be part of that as we spread his Word. Thanks be to God!

Ask Yourself:

What frustrates me about the world I live in as I try to share his Word?

Do I get discouraged when others turn a deaf ear to God's Word? What can I remember to help give me hope?

How can I better share God's Word with those around me?


"Lord, as You have begun a good work by planting Your kingdom in our world, bring it to a full harvest in Your own good time. Amen." (TLSB p. 1663).

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