Read Proverbs 29:15-27
Read Mark 9
Well, it's neat to read about the Transfiguration of Jesus when we are only a few days away from celebrating Transfiguration Sunday in church. This Sunday it is appointed to hear from St. Luke. So, reading this in Mark will give us another perspective on the event.
Jesus' glory shines through today. Normally he keeps his glory hidden behind human flesh. But now, neither his skin nor his clothes can hide his divine brilliance. What is whiter than bleach-white? Something that doesn't just reflect white light, but actually shines, giving off its own light. Yes, Jesus glows with a pure, bright white light. Dazzling!
But we cannot see it! We can behold it with eyes of faith, but his shining is hidden in the past from our physical eyes. And so, it is so easy for us to forget God's glorious presence. It is easy for us to doubt his power. It is easy for us to get afraid.
In order to overcome these doubts, fears, and worries, Luther liked to pray the prayer of the father in our reading today, "I believe; help my unbelief!" (v. 24). I find this to be a helpful prayer too. Jesus has given us so many gracious promises. Yet we are wimpy in our prayers, and we say with our lack of faith, "Lord, if you can..."
"If you can!" Jesus replies, "If you can! All things are possible for him who believes." Of course it is possible for God! We are assured over and over in Scripture that it is so! And Jesus says that all things are possible for us who believe as well. Who believe in Jesus, we should add. Belief accomplishes nothing unless the object of that belief is Jesus. I can't believe in myself. I can't believe in my own power to bring about my hopes and dreams. I must believe in Jesus. He will accomplish his Will.
And so, if I wake in the middle of the night, and am struck by the haunting absurdity of death, I remind myself of Jesus' promises and pray, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief," that is, "Strengthen my faith to believe your Word and to find comfort in the shadow of death." When I am deeply troubled over people I care about who turn their backs on God, I pray, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief," that is, "Lord, I know you promise to work on them with your Spirit; keep them in their baptismal grace, and use me to call them to repentance." When I face challenges and struggles of all kinds and become frustrated or weary, I pray, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief," that is, "Lord, you promise I can do all things with your strength; energize me, help me, support me, and use me to do mighty things for you."
And my encouragement is this: Jesus has done the impossible already. He has done more than cast out demons. He allowed his divine brilliance and his human flesh to be nailed to the cross, to suffer, to bleed and die so that he could defeat the Devil, conquer Death, and triumph over Sin. Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!
Ask Yourself:
What promises of God do I have trouble believing?
What areas in my life of trust do I have trouble living out?
What can I do better today to remind myself to trust God, rely on his strength, and live for him?
Lord Jesus Christ, True God and yet True Man, you have done the impossible for me. You took my sin upon yourself, you died the horrible death that should have been mine and suffered the hell that was stored up for me. Now, you give to me victory. You give me strength, hope, joy, and the assurance of everlasting life. Help me to trust ever in you. Conquer also the doubts, worries, and fears within me, that holding fast to you more and more I would have confidence to do your bidding. Guide me in your ways, and bring me safely to everlasting life. Amen.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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