We begin with a praise psalm that glorifies God for his power and strength. It speaks of the voice of God which does great things. Today we hear his voice as we read his Word. May that power work in us to strengthen faith and motivate holy living!
Read Psalm 29
Read Genesis 32
Today Jacob shows great faith, great wisdom, and great tenacity.
We see Jacob's faith because he is terrified of his brother Esau, yet he prays to God and asks for his protection. He humbly admits that he is not worthy of all God's loving-kindness to him (a great prayer for the believer, by the way). Then he boldly quotes God's promises back to him, saying, "You said..." God is pleased when we quote his promises back to him because this is an act of faith. We are bold to ask, and we are bold to hold God to his promise, not because we have any right to demand from God on our own, but because God's Word is faithful and true. It is God's nature not to lie. Therefore, we do well to be bold in prayer, quoting God's promises back to him. I heard a story about Melanchthon becoming terribly sick, and Luther wrestled in prayer, pleading with God and telling him that God would have to heal Melanchthon if Luther was going to keep on believing all the promises that God had given him. Are we so bold?
Jacob also showed great wisdom in being willing to part with flock and possessions in order to save the lives of his family and to repair a shattered relationship with Esau. I wonder if we are as eager to make things right that we should give such generous gifts. Now, I know Jacob had some extra motivation because he feared for the lives of his family members, but still, it is remarkable. Jacob sends his family at the end of the procession, and waits to go over toward Esau the next day.
That's when we see Jacob's tenacity. We read this well known, yet still mysterious account of a man showing up out of nowhere and wrestling with Jacob. We learn that this man is God from the name he gives Jacob, and from the name Jacob gives that place, and from the hip being dislocated by only a touch.
But what should we make of that account? Well, we've often heard it said that we should "wrestle with God in prayer." Certainly prayer is a part of it. But I like to think of it more that we should tenaciously cling to God in faith expecting his blessing. What does such a clinging in faith look like? It looks like prayer that is persistent and trusting. It looks like gladly hearing God's Word and expecting that Word to forgive, strengthen, and comfort us. It looks like trusting in God, even when it seems like God is out to pin us down. It looks like relying on God, even if touches and dislocates parts of us and we face health problems, financial problems, and hardships of all kinds.
We can learn a lot from Jacob. He has come a long way in his faith walk. And now he is Israel. That word for now will refer to the man Jacob. In the future it will sometimes refer to Jacob and sometimes to the nation. God is at work. God is faithful.
Ask Yourself:
How can I, like Jacob, have great faith to hold God to his promises?
How can I, like Jacob, have great wisdom and do what it takes to mend relationships?
How can I, like Jacob, find the tenacity each and every day to rely on God?
Pray from your heart today. Boldly tell God about your current situation. Remind yourself that God is a God of love and power. Ask him to help you in every need. Pray for your loved ones who are also in need. Wrestle in prayer on their behalf.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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