Abraham has a son! Now he begins to acquire land. Slowly but surely the beginnings of the fulfillment of the promise are seen. May God bless our study today.
Read Psalm 21
Quote from Luther: "The 21st psalm is a prophecy of the kingdom of Christ, the kingdom that is and remains eternally and spiritually before God. At the same time, it also announces that those who reject this kingdom shall be destroyed." Reading the Psalms with Luther, CPH.
Read Genesis 23
Why do we have so much information about the agreement that Abraham made with the Hittites? Well, I think we learn a few things from the account. We see what great respect the Hittites had for the man of God. They were willing to let him pick the choicest of caves for his deceased wife's grave. They were willing also then to give him the land. Abraham basically insists to pay for the land. Perhaps this is because he wants to attribute the gaining of all his possessions to the Lord. They were all God's gifts. Abraham did not want to get rich by the pagans. Recall that he did not want to accept any of the spoils from the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah (See Genesis 14:22-24).
But I think more importantly than all that, we see Abraham change from a sojourner to a landowner. And not just a landowner, but he owns a field in the Promised Land! Yes, the Land flowing with milk and honey. Yes, the Land where the great nation of his descendants would thrive and grow and turn into the great kingdom we heard about in Psalm 21. Yes, the Land where the Savior would trod, the King Eternal, the Christ, the promised Messiah.
And dear Sarah, who is praised for her willing submission to her husband (1 Peter 3:6), who had strong faith herself, is laid to rest. But not before she herself had the joy of mothering Isaac, the heir to the promise. God is good.
Ask Yourself:
Am I patient as God's plan for my life slowly unfolds?
Am I willing to let God provide for all my needs?
Do I live in such a way that even unbelievers have a high regard and respect for me?
O Lord, Heavenly Father, thank you for never failing to keep your gracious promises. You kept your promise to Abraham, showing yourself to be trustworthy. I beg you to keep all your promises to me too, through your Son, Jesus Christ. Forgive me all my sins, wash away my iniquity, strengthen me in every adversity, and be with me in life and in the shadow death. Bring me safely to my Promised Land. Thank you! And help me live for you. Amen.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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