Monday, October 26, 2009

God Provides

Read Psalm 38

Quote from Luther: "The 38th psalm is a psalm of prayer in which the psalmist laments over his sins, on account of which his conscience despairs and is greatly afflicted and can see nothing but God's arrows, that is, God's anger, threats, death, and hell...But for all that, the psalmist teaches us to hold fast and not despair. He teaches us to arm ourselves with lay claim to God's promise and take hold of it to the proper end, namely, that we be godly and righteous before God. Then the comfort of faith will flow again." Reading the Psalms with Luther, CPH.

Read Genesis 41

Did you notice that Joseph gives God the credit? He tells Pharaoh, "It is not in me" to interpret the dreams. But, he says, God will answer.

God revealed the meaning of the dreams to Joseph, and in addition, God filled Joseph with great wisdom and advice. Joseph seamlessly transitions from interpreting the dream to giving advice to Pharaoh about how to handle the upcoming years of plenty and years of want.

Pharaoh can't help but be impressed. None of his magicians could do what God has now done through Joseph! His dreams were interpreted! And what's more, Joseph's advice sounded excellent to him. Pharaoh basically puts this 30 year old man he never met before in charge of his kingdom. I'm sure he kept close tabs on Joseph, at least until he saw first hand Joseph's wisdom and the excellence of all his work. God is certainly with this young man.

Because of Joseph all of Egypt is blessed. In the famine, they have bread because of the stored up grain. In fact, when the surrounding nations ran out of food, they came to Egypt. This chapter tells us that "all the earth" came to Egypt to buy food from Joseph.

A bit of a hyperbole (an exaggeration to make a point) perhaps, but it is written that way to show how God is keeping his promise to Abraham. He promised that through Abraham all the families of the earth would be blessed. Now through Abraham's descendant, Joseph, the families of the earth get food.

Including Joseph's own family. We see them decide to come to Egypt tomorrow.

But for now we remember that God is gracious. He works mightily in his chosen one to provide for the needs of the earth.

God would do a similar but much bigger thing through his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Through that chosen One, he would provide for the needs of all on earth: our forgiveness, life, and salvation. Thanks be to God!

Ask Yourself:

Do I publicly give God the glory for what he does in our lives?

Do I hold fast to Christ in good days and in bad, trusting him to work all things out for good?

Do I trust that God will provide for all my needs of body and soul?


Pray from your heart today concerning whatever is on your mind. Then pray the Lord's Prayer. Then trust God to give us this day our "daily bread."

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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