Friday, October 30, 2009

God Sent Me Here

As the deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God - Psalm 42:1

O Lord, I am thirsty. Refresh me and enliven me through your Word. See me in my dreadful condition, in my sin, my hurt, my suffering. Forgive me. Save me from my enemies. Let your Word dwell in me to fill me up, to lift me from my downcast state, and to ignite me again in praise and thanksgiving. Let your Holy Spirit speak to me today as I read your Word. Amen.

Read Psalm 42

"The psalmist experiences despair at the seeming victory of the godless and his separation from God's merciful presence at the temple. We, too, should desire God's presence, hear His Word in public worship, and receive the salvation that He gives in the Word. In the midst of our suffering and troubles, and against all appearances to the contrary, our Lord Jesus is our Savior and dwells among us in preaching and Communion to save us." (TLSB, p. 887).

Read Genesis 45

Yesterday I had read ahead, and then actually forgot where Genesis 44 stopped. I guess the story was so captivating I just kept reading! I spoke yesterday of the reconciliation. It didn't happen actually until our reading today in Genesis 45.

So, since I have already spoken on reconciliation, let's focus on something different. Verse 8: "So it was not you who sent me here, but God."

Maybe this is why Joseph can forgive his brothers who were awful to him. He can forgive because he can see the big picture. The big picture is that God rules over all things, especially over his people. Joseph recognizes that he is safe in God's hands. Nothing happens to him unless God allows it.

That may be difficult for us to swallow at times when we are really enduring a difficult time. But even if others mistreat us, God is Lord over all, and has our best interests in mind. It doesn't mean that everything that happens is good, but it does mean that God can work good from all things for the good of those who love him.

And in time the brothers came to understand this (though they were very nervous for a while when their father died, fearful of Joseph's wrath, as we will see). In time also Jacob/Israel came to understand this too. Though his heart was "numb" at first, though he was too shocked to believe it, eventually Jacob was determined to go see Joseph.

God has a plan. Though we suffer many things in this life, at the end we will be able to paraphrase Joseph and say, "God has been with me all the way. He has sent me where he willed me to be. He has carried me to this point, and he will carry me through death into everlasting life, through Jesus Christ, my Lord."

Thanks be to God.

Ask Yourself:

Do I feel parched, thirsty, craving spiritual renewal?

Where do I find the spiritual water to quench my thirst? (See John 4:13-14).

Do I struggle to admit that God allows difficult situations into our lives? How do I cope with the suffering?


Pray from your heart today, that Joseph's virtues would be your own: humility, wisdom, forgiveness, care for family. Pray that God would strengthen you also to carry your cross and follow Jesus.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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