Friday, November 12, 2010


Read Psalm 132

Read 1 Kings 21

Oh how many terrible sins we see today! It begins with some coveting, and then when Ahab is told "no," it leads to envy and jealousy. It quickly turns into bearing false witness against a neighbor, as Naboth is falsely accused. Then it leads to murder. Once Naboth is illegally and illegitimately disposed of, Ahab is free to steal the vineyard.

That is quite the disgusting list. No wonder at the end of our 1 Kings 21 reading for today we see that no one "sold himself to do what was evil" like Ahab did. His wife certainly didn't help him to do right either.

What about Naboth though? Was he right to tell the king "no?" Or should he have followed the royal order? I believe that Naboth was right to say "no," and the king knew it. That's why Ahab just pouted at first. He knew he had no right to claim his land.

The Old Testament laws were very specific about the land and passing on an inheritance. Even if someone came upon hard times and had to sell his property, there was a year of jubilee every 50th year to return the land back to the family that owned it. God, it seems, wanted all Israelites to have a delightful inheritance that could not be taken away. So yes, far be it from Naboth to sell his inheritance. Each inheritance was important because it points to the eternal inheritance we receive through the Messiah. As co-heirs with Christ, we receive what he has earned, what he deserves. Yes, the Promised Land of Israel foreshadows our own Promised Land, Heaven.

And that Heaven is ours through Jesus Christ. You know, Naboth isn't the only one who was falsely accused and put to death so that wicked rulers could have their way. Jesus too was given an unfair trial, and even when the testimony didn't agree, they hauled him off anyway and sought his death. He was defended only weakly by Pilate, though Pilate knew he had done nothing deserving death. Only Pilate didn't know how true that was. He had done nothing wrong, and therefore did not deserve the punishment from God he received.

Yet Jesus willingly suffered it that we might have an inheritance. Jesus willingly died on that horrible tree so that our false testimony, our coveting, our stealing, our jealousy and envy, our hatred and murder might be forgiven. Completely washed away. Removed from us as far as the east is from the west.

We have that promise, that guarantee.

And that is something to be grateful for! Thanks be to God!

Ask Yourself:

What sins are weighing on me right now? What temptations are enticing me right now?

Jesus willingly died for my sins. Which ones am I reluctant to give him?

How can I learn to better be content? How can I better focus on my heavenly (not earthly) inheritance?


Pray from your heart today concerning the answers to the above questions. Confess your sins to Jesus, and recall that as a baptized child of God they are all forgiven in Christ. Ask for the strength of the Spirit to live in God pleasing ways.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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