Monday, November 22, 2010

All Things Under His Feet

Well, I managed to get so busy I didn't comment on all of Galatians. Well, we're going to continue on in 2 Kings, and we'll start Ephesians. So, off we go...

Read 2 Kings 7

Read Ephesians 1

Paul, in his usual style, loads up the opening of his letter to Ephesians with rich language concerning our crucified and risen Christ. It is packed with theology and jammed full of practical application.

What should we focus on today? Maybe we focus on the redemption we have in Christ, who shed his blood for our forgiveness...Or maybe we focus on the fact that God chose us from before the foundation of the world, knowing that he would rescue us through the cross...Maybe we focus on the fact that God predestined us for salvation...Maybe we focus on how in our Baptism we were sealed with the Holy Spirit...Or maybe we focus on how we are co-heirs with Christ, inheriting all that God has promised his people...And this is only scratching the surface. We could probably read Ephesians 1 everyday until we have it memorized and still be able to glean more meaning, more practical value, more appreciation every time we study it! How deep, how rich, how beautiful is the Word of God.

But today, let's ponder briefly that all things are "under His feet." Think of this, the Lord of all left his heavenly throne to be born a humble servant. Wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger, he had a lowly birth. Traveling on foot here and there preaching and teaching, his adult years were certainly not lived in luxury. Hauled off to an unjust trial, stripped, beaten, and crucified, he was treated like a common criminal.

But Jesus, being perfect before his Heavenly Father, was raised up on the third day. He ascended into power and glory, and now he rules over all things. You can imagine him up in the highest heaven, and all creation is his footstool. What you place your feet on is certainly not in authority over you. It's the other way around!

What is comforting about this is that we now know that Jesus is capable of keeping all his promises to us. If Jesus had died and stayed dead, why would we ever have confidence to trust that his word would be true? But he did rise, and more than that, rules in the heavens. And he rules especially over the Church. Yes, he is especially careful to guard and guide his people, to protect and provide, to help and fill with hope. Jesus is doing more than watching over us, but he is also active in us.

We have such hope and life and peace through him! And what Good News we have to share! We're kind of like those lepers in our 2 Kings reading. We discover the Good News, and we just drink it in. We rejoice, and consume it (in a good way), and partake of the spoils more and more. And then we remember, "Oh, this is Good News, and everyone should hear it!"

And God tells us that people are ready to hear the Word and respond in faith. What a privilege to be his messenger! Thanks be to God!

Ask Yourself:

How can I share the Good News today?

If I am nervous, anxious, or embarrassed, what can give me the confidence?

How does knowing that Jesus is the head of the Church help us in our daily life?


Pray from your heart today. Be sure to ask God for opportunities to partake of the Good News and opportunities to share it!

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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