Friday, October 15, 2010


Read Job 21

Read 2 Samuel 21

We have a strange account in 2 Samuel 21 today. On the surface to skimming human eyes it doesn't seem that strange for a king to want to wipe out the whole family of a former king. After all, they might lead a rebellion and try to take back the throne! But that's not what is happening here. When you read it slowly and carefully, you see that David's desire is not to wipe out the entire house of Saul. (And this is consistent with David's attitude towards all his enemies: Saul, Absalom, and others!)

Stranger still is that God would bring famine on an entire land because of some sins of Saul still unavenged. Bizarre. Truly bizarre.

But perhaps we can make something of this anyway. Let us remember that these are descriptive portions of Scripture, that is, they describe how things happened. They are not prescriptive, in other words, they don't prescribe how the Lord will work nor how will should operate. In other words, we cannot run the story in reverse and say that when we see famine and drought today it is because of some unavenged sins of a former (or current) leader. It is illogical. We are never told by Scripture to operate that way. But that kind of thinking can be taken to the extreme. At that point it becomes craziness. That would be like, for example, picketing a soldier's funeral because of our country's tolerance of homosexuality. There is no connection. Yet people are using the spurious connection to spread their hate not far from where I write. (Google Phelps and Topeka, and you'll see what I mean). Sure, homosexuality is a sin, but there has to be (and there is) a sane way to speak out against it. But now I am getting off track...

So, this story describes what happened. We can't answer "why" questions, so we just have to see what we can truly apply. And here is what we see: sin will be punished. It will. Period. In this strange case, we don't know much about the innocence or the guilt of the sons. Perhaps they played a role in Saul's rebellion and were themselves guilty. Or, perhaps they were innocent (in human terms), not doing anything that deserved death. Who knows. It would surely seem unfair if they were innocent.

But then again, Jesus was innocent. That's pretty unfair that he would be led to a false trial, accused by fake witnesses, sentenced by an ungodly religious leader, unprotected by a spineless Roman official, beaten and tortured by masochist guards, and impaled upon the rough wood of the cross and hung there to die. When it comes to unfair, that's as unfair as it comes.

But Jesus' holy, precious blood and his innocent suffering and death is the propitiation for our sin. Our sin will be punished. It will. Period. Or rather, it already has been punished. Jesus took that punishment for you. What's your sin? It has already been punished. Now, don't push away that mercy, that forgiveness that is extended to you. You have been granted a pardon. Don't walk willingly back towards execution.

When Saul's sons are hanged, we see that wrath is appeased and the whole nation is relieved of the famine. When God's son is hanged on the cursed cross, the whole world is pardoned!

Now, how do I get that forgiveness? It is in the water and Word of Holy Baptism! It is in the promise and Good News of the Gospel! It is in the Body and Blood of Christ, given and shed for you for the forgiveness of your sins.

And it is in the Christian encouragement and spreading of the Good News. It is spread to you, and it is spread through you. Cherish it. Share it. And rejoice in the forgiveness of your sins!

Thanks be to God!


"Father, thank You for sending Your holy Son to atone for our sins and win salvation for us. Amen." (TLSB p. 520)

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!


  1. Thank you Pastor Jon for the study, very well done, great inside into the word of God, it was a blessing reading today's post. Blessings, Freddy.

  2. It is my pleasure. I would say "thanks for following my blog," but really I am just happy when people are in the Word daily!

    God's blessings!
