Monday, October 18, 2010

David's Mighty Men

Read Job 23

Read 2 Samuel 23

David's last words. Important? You bet! Anyone's last words command our attention, but this is King David, a man after God's own heart.

And what does he talk about? He reminds all God's people of the covenant that God made with him. Basically, he reminds everyone of the Offspring, the King Almighty, the coming Christ. And then he speaks of blessing and of curse. Blessed are those who have a part in that covenant. But cursed are those outside of it. They are like thorns that are hacked apart and thrown in the fire.

And then is it any surprise that what follows is an account of David's mighty men? It shouldn't. It might seem a little out of place, especially since it is a bit of a rewind and recap of earlier events. But perhaps there is a reason it follows David's last oracle. I contend there is.

Here is the reason. David's end has come, but we are pointed forward to the King who would rule over the throne forever, Jesus Christ. Then, we know that we who are united with him in baptism, who fear God and walk in his ways, we are more than conquerors through Christ. In our crucified, risen, and ascended Lord, we have victory over sin and live a new life! We have victory over the devil and can fell him with one little Word! We have victory over hell, as we look forward to (and even have a foretaste of!) heaven!

We might as well be listed among the "mighty men" of Jesus, the Son of David, King of Israel! Now, these men listed in 2 Samuel 23 were real men, real warriors. They really fought the enemy and really overcame. No, those numbers are not mistakes. They really did conquer the enemy that definitively and dramatically. Should we expect anything different? The battle belongs to the Lord.

So, mighty men and women of God, how does that encourage you today? Maybe you won't pick up your spear or your sword and start hacking at people. (And I sure hope you don't!) But when it comes to spiritual warfare, you have the helmet of salvation, the shield of truth, and the sword of the Spirit (read Eph. 6!). Be valiant. Be mighty. The Lord fights for you. The battle belongs to him. He has already won the war through our Mighty Warrior, our Victor, our Conqueror, Jesus the Christ. Thanks be to God!


For our prayer today we have a few stanzas from a hymn of Paul Gerhardt (have I mentioned that I love his hymns?). Meditate on these stanzas, then pray, "God, please grant this to me for Jesus' sake. Amen! it is so!"
1. If God Himself be for me, I may a host defy; For when I pray, before me My foes, confounded, fly. If Christ, my Head and Master, Befriend me from above, What foe or what disaster Can drive me from His love?  11. Who clings with resolution To Him whom Satan hates Must look for persecution; For him the burden waits Of mockery, shame, and losses, Heaped on his blameless head; A thousand plagues and crosses Will be his daily bread.  12. From me this is not hidden, Yet I am not afraid; I leave my cares, as bidden, To whom my vows were paid. Though life and limb it cost me And everything I won, Unshaken shall I trust Thee And cleave to Thee alone.

(TLH 528:1, 11-12, Public Domain)

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!


  1. I find this hymn very inspiring today! Thank you.

  2. Great! And thanks for notifying me about the typos. Unfortunately I don't have as much time to proof as I would like, being a perfectionist and all! (I think you will find them corrected now). God's blessings on your day.
