Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Grace on Sinners

Read Psalm 96

Luther: "The 96th psalm is a prophecy of the kingdom of Christ in the world, in which should be nothing but joy and praise. The text is, truly, itself clear enough. In it, all the nations, lands, peoples, forests, seas, trees are called to worship. They should praise and thank the Lord because He judges and rules with righteousness and truth. That is, He delivers us from sins and all that sin brings with it, such as death, hell, the power of the devil, and all that is evil. This is the new song of the new kingdom from new creatures, from a new people, not born of the Law or works but born of God and Spirit. These are nothing less than miracles, done in Christ Jesus, our Lord." (Reading the Psalms with Luther, CPH)

Read Joshua 2

What a gracious God we have who is pleased to rescue totally corrupt sinners. Think of Rahab as proof. God could have delivered Jericho to Israel in any number of ways. But in the process, God (who seems to find great joy and whimsical delight in defeating the Devil with a flick of his finger) decides to rescue a prostitute.

Indeed, the spies find her and decide to lodge at her house. They keep themselves pure of immorality, of course, but what outsiders would be suspicious? They are used to seeing men go into her house.

But these men are not there for the usual reasons. They are here to spy out the land and the people. Rahab agrees to hide them and show kindness to them. She throws the pursuers off the scent. She confides in the spies that the people of Jericho are melting in terror. This is the beginning of God's judgement on the wicked city.

But it is the beginning of God's salvation of Rahab and all of her family who will believe her message concerning the One True God. Indeed, we will see the family saved. And we know that Rahab the prostitute is not only given her physical life, but she also has the great honor and privilege of being included in the ancestry of her descendant and Savior, Jesus. Yes, Matthew lists her in his genealogy.

Her physical life was spared. By becoming part of the nation of Israel (and presumably a firm believer in Yahweh, the One True God who rescued her) she was also given eternal salvation. And what's more, she gets married and bears a son, a son who would carry on the Messianic line, a son, Boaz, from whom eventually would come the Son of Man and Son of God, Jesus.


It is God's great joy and delight to rescue sinners, even sinners like us. It is his joke on the Devil. A good joke, the best kind of joke. Hell hath no furry, the devil no power, sin no fierce terror for those who are in Christ Jesus, the Savior.

Thanks be to God! What an honor and privilege to be a descendant of Jesus (spiritually speaking), to walk in his ways, and to honor him with holy living!

Ask Yourself:

What sins confront me and cause me guilt today?

How does Jesus overcome that sin? (and don't stop at the Sunday School answer!)

How will I rejoice in God's salvation today?


"We praise You, Lord, that You call people of all kinds out of the darkness of their sin and haunting fears into the light and safety of Your grace. Amen." (TLSB, p. 343).

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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