Saturday, June 19, 2010

Commander of the Army of the Lord

Read Psalm 99

Read Joshua 5

What should we comment on in Joshua 5? There is so much happening in this chapter! We could talk about circumcision, and how important that was in marking them as heirs of the promise. We could talk about the Passover they celebrated before taking Jericho. Or we could focus on how the manna, which had been give to them 6 days a week for 40 years ceased as soon as the promise that they would enter Canaan came true. Then they ate produce they hadn't planted in a land rich and abundant.

But perhaps today we'll look just briefly at when Joshua met the Captain of the army of the Lord. We must conclude that this "man" is the Lord Himself because Joshua worships and is not told to do so (and angels instruct humans not to worship them, but to worship God). The Lord also tells Joshua to take off his sandals, as the Lord had also instructed Moses from the burning bush.

It is interesting too in what form the Lord appears. He is not in a burning bush this time, but he appears as a warrior, a commander, with a terrible sword drawn. Israel would need God to clear the way for them if they were indeed to inherit the land.

God's response to Joshua is interesting too. Joshua asks if the "man" was on Israel's side or the other side. It seems as if God changes the question around. God does not say, "I'm on your side," but by declaring who he is, God is inviting Joshua to say, "Lord, I am on your side." This Joshua does, if not in those exact words, then with worship and obedience.

Some theologians would argue (and I would agree, though I couldn't say for certain), that this would be the pre-incarnate Christ who appears to Joshua. That is, it is God the Son is the commander and is appearing here.

It would make perfect sense, because Jesus is the ultimate warrior. He engaged the devil head on in a terrible spiritual conflict, and Jesus became the victor. The war is won though battles rage on.

How much more comforted would we be if we could see Jesus our Warrior with sword drawn! How quickly we would bow down and worship! How confidently would we engage in spiritual battle against sin and evil. How encouraged we would be, and certain of the victory!

Though we haven't seen him with our physical eyes, we have seen him with eyes of faith. He is triumphant. He is victorious. He defeats the sin in me this day. I will pass safely through death and He will bring me into the Promised Land of heaven, where I will feast on the abundance and rejoice eternally. Thanks be to God!


Pray from your heart today, thanking Jesus for the victory, and imploring his help that we might be strengthened to fight the good fight of faith.

Study with me Monday,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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