Read Deuteronomy 18
Read Luke 16
Today Moses prophesies, "The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen." And we see in the history of Israel that this prophesy indeed comes true. God continued to inspire prophets to speak His Word, and like Moses they spoke faithfully and truthfully. In little ways, this prophecy of Moses is fulfilled in them.
But even more so, this prophecy is fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. He is the Prophet who is greater than Moses. In fact, Jesus would indeed declare himself to be greater than Moses. Not only does he keep the Law God gave to Moses, but he is also the fulfillment of the covenant, of Israel's history, of the Promised Land, of the whole Old Testament. Jesus is the long-expected Prophet who would not only speak the Word of God, but who actually is the Word of God Incarnate - the Logos (in the Greek).
And Jesus would proclaim the Gospel, the message of Salvation, and then make that salvation a reality in his death and resurrection. Truly we rejoice today to read Moses' prophecy, and we thank God that Jesus came, lived, died, rose, preached the Word, and continues to proclaim the Word through his faithful people (pastors and laity) today. What a blessing that we can still listen to the voice of the Prophet, even as Moses encourages us.
And what an interesting thing that we read Luke 16 today too. Jesus rightly points out at the end of it that people in this life have Moses and the prophets. We ought to listen to them. Jesus also says that even if someone rises from the dead, some will refuse to listen. In fact, we see this to be the case. Jesus rose from the dead, and some have refused to believe his message.
But we believe, and give God thanks. And we know that the Holy Spirit works in power to convert and transform the lost. Therefore, let us keep proclaiming the Word to those around us.
And to God be the glory!
Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word;
Curb those who by deceit or sword
Would wrest the kingdom from Your Son
And bring to naught all He has done.
(LSB 655:1)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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