Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Drink the Rain of Heaven

Read Deuteronomy 11

Read Luke 9

We are used to hearing that the Promised Land is a land flowing with milk and honey, in fact, we hear it in our reading again today. But maybe we are so used to hearing the expression we forget to ponder how abundant the land was.

These words from Deuteronomy 11 struck me today, "But the land that you are going over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water by the rain from heaven, a land that the LORD your God cares for. The eyes of the LORD your God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year" (v. 11-12).

That should should remind us how wonderful a blessing this land was to be for them. What a beautiful expression! - the land drinks the rain of heaven.

Friends, this should greatly encourage us as we make our journey through this life. We have the blessing of the Lord upon us. We have a Promised Land through the cross of Christ that is glorious, abundant, beautiful, and wonderful in every way. And, God is so gracious that he even delivers some of the blessings of heaven to us early.

Now, this life can be difficult and tumultuous. But who can deny that we already are experiencing the blessings of heaven - not perfectly, not fully, not completely - but yes, already. We have peace with God. We have peace with one another and can live in love and harmony with our fellow Christians. We are provided for abundantly in this life, and God delights to meet our needs of body and soul. We are filled with joys and happiness - family, friends, even labor we enjoy, art, creativity, animals, God's creation - all these.

So, even now it is as if we drink the rain of heaven. And then...then it will be even far better. When we are in that Promised Land, well, we won't be able to stop praising God.

Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.


Lord, I am so blessed by you. Thank you for your Son's life, death, resurrection, ascension, rule at your right hand. Thank you that He will come again to raise our bodies perfect, free of pain, suffering, and death. Thank you even now that you abundantly provide for our needs of body and life. Thank you for the peace, joy, and happiness we receive from you. Help us always to count our blessings and give thanks, for we truly drink deeply the rain of heaven's blessings. Amen.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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