Read Deuteronomy 20
Read Luke 18
Someone might be curious, "How do we receive the kingdom like a child?" Well, we could describe a child in many ways. Our world likes to think of them as sweet and innocent, kind of like blank slates....and humanly speaking, that's true.
But that's not what Jesus means. Children are completely dependent. They rely on others for everything. My 5 year old and my 2 year old would not survive long without someone to care for them. Sure, they are learning some self help and self care skills, but they can't do enough for themselves yet. And they've been growing and learning for a while. Our reading today says that they were bringing "infants" to Jesus. Babies. Newborns. Little tiny people who rely on their parents for EVERYTHING. This is the characteristic that Jesus is talking about.
We must become completely dependent on God for everything. In truth, we are dependent on him for everything, but we must realize it, trust him, and look to him for everything - not just for our physical needs, but also for our spiritual.
In case some still doubt what Jesus is saying, Luke drives the point home as he records Jesus' conversation with the rich man. After that encounter, the disciples ask who can be saved. Jesus' answer is clear. No one can be saved by their own doing or strength. He says it is impossible with man.
But with God - now that's a different story. With God all things are possible. Though we are completely helpless, weak, incapable, needy, and dependent spiritually (like newborn infants are completely dependent physically) God was pleased to have mercy on us and care for us. That's why Jesus went to the cross, stripped, beaten, abused, mocked, spit upon, spiked to the cross, and harassed until he died. He endured all that so that we infants might live. And not just live here, but live for eternity.
Thanks be to God!
Lord, I am completely dependent upon you. I am in need, helpless, weak, and incapable of helping myself. Have mercy on me. Wash away my sins. Grant me eternal life and salvation. Continue to provide for all my needs of body and soul now and for eternity. Thank you for your undeserved, unfailing love. I am yours forever. Amen.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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