Read Proverbs 16:1-17
Read Exodus 22
It is said that possession is nine tenths of the law. Well, there are a number of laws and instructions in the Old Testament concerning other people's property. In our reading today there is a strong restitution theme. If anything is stolen, ruined, or damaged, those responsible are required to make some sort of payment or reimbursement. All these instructions show us that God is a God of justice. He also, therefore, wants us to promote justice and fairness. He wants us to be responsible and to willingly do what is good and right, even if there is no one to enforce fairness upon us. Borrowed items should be returned. Damaged items should be fixed or replaced. The debt we owe we ought to pay. These fit in with the 7th, 9th, and 10th commandments, where we are instructed not to steal, not to covet, not to scheme to acquire people or things that belong to our neighbor.
Also in this section we see that in addition to being fair, we ought to be merciful. As we respect the 1st commandment and keep the Just and Merciful One True God as our number one priority, then we will also be merciful to the humans around us which he has made. So, we have mercy on widows and orphans and visitors to our area (nation, city, church). We do not keep our neighbor's only cloak, that is any collateral that is necessary for our neighbor, causing him suffering if we keep it. (Can you think of examples?) These fit right in with the 5th commandment where we are instructed not to hurt or harm, but to help and befriend our neighbor in every need.
It finishes with some laws that reinforce the 1st commandment. God is God, the One True and Powerful God. Therefore, we do not curse his rulers (his representatives), we offer him our firstfruits, we give to him the required sacrifices.
Maybe this chapter isn't the most engaging to us as we read it, but we see that there is still a lot to learn and a lot to ponder.
The Good News is that though we have failed to keep the 7th, the 5th, and the 1st commandments, Jesus Christ made restitution for us. He appeased the Father's justice so that we receive only mercy. Thanks be to God! Now, isn't that motivation to be merciful to others!
Ask Yourself:
Do I treat others and their possessions with due respect, honor, and responsibility?
Do I reach out to widows, orphans, and others in need with God's mercy?
What injustices can I help right? What hurting people need God's mercy?
Pray from your heart today concerning the answers to the questions. Ask for God's help for you to be just and merciful, just as God is.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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