Read Proverbs 16:18-33
This would make a good memory verse for the week: Proverbs 16:20, "Whoever gives thought to the word will discover good, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD." A wonderful verse tied to the 1st commandment encourages us to trust in the Lord above all else. Luther explains that the 1st commandment instructs us to fear, love, and trust in God above all things. This is, of course, essential in the Christian life. And it ties into our Exodus reading...
Read Exodus 23
The people are reminded as they hear the commandments of God that they are to avoid calling out to other gods. The One True God who led them out of Egypt will continue to lead them. They are to follow and obey, and God promises to bless their bread and water and provide for them and their children. Also, as they trust in Him, He promises to send their enemies into confusion and terror, and will drive them out with "hornets" (probably a vivid metaphor). The people are then instructed to drive out all the wicked people of the land of Canaan, lest their false gods become a snare for Israel.
These words of warning, unfortunately, will come back to judge Israel. They fail to drive out all the people. They make covenants with them when they shouldn't have. They intermarry when they shouldn't have. And the false gods become a snare for them as predicted.
There is instruction and warning in our reading for us today. We are encouraged in Proverbs to pay attention to the Word of God, for in that Word we have light and life. In the Word we discover the good of forgiveness and salvation. We are encouraged to trust in God above all else. We see in Israel's history that things go well for them when they trust. And things bode evil when they turn away from the One True God.
We maybe don't bow down to the gods of Canaan, but we do often turn our trust away from God Almighty. Too often we trust in ourselves. I've been really worried about my furnace, my house, and my cars in this sub-zero weather. And then I said to myself, "Why am I worried? Am I not in God's hands today the same as yesterday, last week, last month, last summer? Will God not take care of my family and provide for all my needs? If he allows a trial as a result of the weather, will he not also provide a way to carry us through it? Of course he will!"
So, I have resolved not to worry. Today I must trust in God, just like any other day. God is good. He proved he is trustworthy in the death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus. He proved that he will save, he will help, and he will help us overcome. Thanks be to God.
Ask Yourself:
How do I fail to trust in God? What am I afraid of?
How can I remind myself of God's faithfulness?
How can I better trust and not worry?
Pray from your heart today concerning what worries and troubles you. Ask God to help you trust. Ask him to help you have good and right priorities. Ask for his help as you seek to live a holy life.
Study with me Monday,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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