Read Proverbs 14:18-35
Read Exodus 19
Today's reading from Exodus is all about the preparation of the people before the Lord comes down to Mount Sinai to make his covenant with Israel. We will talk more about the covenant and the commands of God tomorrow.
But today we see preparation. The people are to be ceremonially clean, humble in heart, and ready for instruction. God will come down in a thick cloud, and the people will hear his voice! (v. 9)
They must prepare because God (and therefore his presence) is holy. The word he speaks is holy. This means that it is set apart, it is perfect, it is good. This holiness is honored and respected in a number of ways by the people. They are not to touch the mountain. They are not to try to break through the cloud to gaze at God. They are instructed to refrain from sexual intimacy. Why? Not that there is anything necessarily unclean or sinful about touching a mountain or having sex (within a Godly marriage), but these are physical reminders God set up to show his holiness, and the respect he deserves. After all, what an awesome, incredible, amazing thing it is that God will descend upon the mountain and speak to the people.
So also we have boundaries and preparations and physical reminders that God's holy presence and his holy Word is with us. In church, there is often a rail around the chancel area and the altar. This separates us from an area set apart (that is, a holy space) where God meets us in Word and Sacrament. Also, worshipers pray before worship. They examine themselves, confess sins, and pray before receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. Some worshipers don't even like to listen to secular music on the way to or from church. Some worshipers dress up. This, if done with good motivations and not just for show, is also a physical reminder that something special happens in worship.
Indeed, something special, something very holy does happen in worship. God descends to us. God meets us where we are. The Holy God is pleased to be present among us, yes, even us sinners. And God forgives us through the blood of his Son, Jesus Christ. Through his death and resurrection, we gain victory over sin, death, and the devil. We may not be able to see the smoke of the glory of God, but we are able to hear his Word, taste his love in the Sacrament, and feel the gracious touch of God.
How we rejoice as we prepare ourselves to come to worship and respect sacred spaces when we are there! Such a special happen in God's House!
Ask Yourself:
How do I prepare for worship? Is a lack of preparation detracting from appreciating the Divine Service?
What can I do to teach others (maybe children) about preparing for worship and respecting worship spaces?
How am I impacted by being in God's Holy Presence in the Divine Service?
"Lord Jesus Christ, giver and perfecter of our faith, we thank and praise You for continuing among us the preaching of Your Gospel for our instruction and edification. Send Your blessing upon the Word, which has been spoken to us, and by Your Holy Spirit increase our saving knowledge of you, that day by day we may be strengthened in the divine truth and remain steadfast in Your grace. Give us strength to fight the good fight and by faith to overcome all the temptations of Satan, the flesh, and the world so that we may finally receive the salvation of our souls; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." (LSB p. 308)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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