Read Proverbs 1o:1-16
We will read the Proverbs of Solomon now in smaller chunks. The chapters to this point where long and drawn out metaphors. Now we get into the short sayings, so we'll digest fewer at a time. I find that there is so much wisdom in here, certainly much more than we catch in a reading session. This is why it is good to return often to the proverbs for divine wisdom and guidance.
There are other ancient writings that share wisdom. We can certainly learn from these other sources as well. But there is something different about the Wisdom Literature of the Bible and other sources of wisdom. The difference is that Biblical Wisdom is also prophetic, typological, and christocentric.
You see, we already saw in Chapter 8 a prophecy of Christ. You won't see that in non-Biblical wisdom. Today also we see a phrase that can be taken as a general truth, but in the context of the rest of Scripture we see that it means much more. In verse 12, Solomon says that love covers all offenses. On a human level, we see that we are more willing to tolerate the failings of those we love. While this is very true, it is only part of what God is revealing to us. No, God tells us most of all that his love covers all offenses.
We see this fulfilled in Christ. Oh, I have so many offenses against him: sins of thought, of word, of deed; sins of omission, sins of commission; sins of which I am aware, sins of which I am unaware. All these offenses - all of them - are covered by Jesus' love. They are covered as his love causes him to pour out his blood for me. What sins do I have left that aren't covered? Baptized into Christ, I am covered in his righteousness. All my sins, though like scarlet, have become white as snow. They have been cast off from me as far as the east is from the west. They have been cast into the depths of the sea.
Solomon says that love covers all offenses. We see this fulfilled in its fullest sense in Christ, who dies for me - and for you. All this forgiveness is for you too. And if you are like me, you are encouraged by this love of Jesus to strive best we can (though imperfectly, unfortunately) to let his love shine through us and cover the offenses of others. Yes, if forgiveness is freely given out by us, then relationships begin to be repaired, annoying characteristics of others are borne in love, sins are forgotten, and differences minimized. Love covers all offenses. May God strengthen us to cover others' offenses!
Read Exodus 10
Pray from your heart today, confessing your sins to Jesus. He will cover them with grace and mercy. Ask him to help you to live in love, to forgive, to live at peace with others, to promote good works within others as well. Pray that love would characterize the lives of all his people.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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