Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Beginning of Wisdom

Today we start reading 2 new books. We have finished Genesis and Matthew. We have gotten halfway through Psalms. Now we begin Proverbs and Exodus. May God bless our study!

Read Proverbs 1

We read that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. We are fools if we despise the instruction or the wisdom of the Lord. Proverbs is an incredible book of Wisdom for us. But to read it, we're going to have to stay humble. We must realize that we have much yet to learn. Some of what we read we won't yet understand. Some we won't yet know how to apply. This just shows all the more how much we need God's wisdom. The Holy Spirit is a patient teacher. Let us be anxious to learn!

Wisdom is personified as a woman calling us to listen. We are warned in chapter one against desiring unjust gain. It seems that being wise is avoiding violence and immorality. In fact, we will soon hear Solomon compare voices other than wisdom to prostitutes. We are to steer clear. Indulging only hurts us. No, we are called to be wise, not foolish. And wisdom starts with the fear of the Lord. That is, wisdom starts in believing in God, acknowledging him to be the Lord, giving him honor, respect, and the worship that is due him.

And we know from St. Paul that the wisdom of God (considered foolish by the world) is the cross.

Read Exodus 1

The midwives "feared" the Lord, though Proverbs hasn't been written yet. They knew it was better to risk their lives and lie to Pharaoh than to disobey God and commit murder.

If only Pharaoh had wisdom too. But since he did not know Joseph or the account of how the Hebrew people got there, he acted out of fear and the desire for self-preservation.

Things got bad for the Israelites. They became slaves and were forced to do hard labor. It was not pleasant.

But perhaps it was necessary that things would become bad for them so that they would be dislodged from Egypt. They weren't suppose to stay there forever. God had a Promised Land to give them. God had blessings in store for them. God ultimately had plans that the seed of Eve, Jesus, would die on a cross just outside Jerusalem. So, God had to get the children of Israel back to Canaan.

And their savior (notice the lowercase "s") would be Moses, for he would deliver them from Egypt. He foreshadows Jesus, who delivers the Israelites and all people (including us) from our sins.

God's plan is at work. God's plan is at work in Egypt, just as it is with us today.

Ask Yourself:

Where do I look for wisdom?

In what matters do I need God's guidance?

Do I recognize in the cross a wisdom that the world cannot comprehend?


Pray from your heart today concerning matters that confuse you, terrify you, or challenge you. Ask God to give you wisdom. Ask him to guide you and lead you. Thank you that he has given his Only Son to be the wisdom that provides salvation for us.

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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