Today we conclude Matthew. It seems like we just started it! We'll jump back to Exodus, while Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph are not too far from our memory. Also, we're going to put our study of Psalms on hold (exactly halfway through the book), and we're going to read Proverbs alongside our study of Exodus. Not that there is anything unique about the relationship between Exodus and Proverbs (other than what is true of all Scripture: that it is all God's Word!), but rather we will do this for a change of pace, for variety. (Although you could argue that the mood and content of the psalms are as greatly varied as any chapters in any book. But I need to stop interrupting myself!). So, tomorrow: Exodus and Proverbs. For today: we are privileged to finish Matthew, where we witness our Lord's rising back to life, hear his great commission, and are comforted that he will be with us always. May God bless our study!
Read Psalm 75
This Psalm is a psalm of comfort, assuring us that the righteous will have victory over the wicked. We are assured that the righteous, though downtrodden and persecuted in this life, will be "lifted up." We know that we are included in the description of the "righteous," not by anything we have done, but by our Savior Jesus Christ. And the nature of the "lifting up" we behold in Matthew 28. Jesus is lifted up (raised) from the grave. He will soon be lifted up (ascended) into heaven. And we who are clothed in his righteousness will also be lifted up on the last day to be with him in heaven. Thanks be to God!
Read Matthew 28
Now no more can death appall,
Now no more the grave enthrall;
You have opened paradise,
And Your saints in you shall rise,
Easter triumph, Easter joy!
This alone can sin destroy;
From sin's pow'r, Lord, set us free,
Newborn souls in You to be.
(LSB 633:6, 7)
Ask Yourself:
Why am I discouraged at the prosperity of the wicked? Do I not believe that God is just?
Why am I disheartened by my crosses and afflictions? Do I not believe that God will lift me up?
Is Easter joy mine right now? How can I have more Easter triumph?
Pray: (sing:)
Father, who the crown shall give,
Savior, by whose death we live,
Spirit, guide through all our days:
Three in One, Your name we praise,
(LSB 633:8)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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