This is a Bible study tool designed to take us through the entire Bible in 2 years. Six days a week (Monday through Saturday) there will be a post telling you what the assigned readings are. Some days there will also be comments from me. These are intended to provide material for devotional meditation and practical application. Please feel welcome to post questions or comments so that we can encourage each other. May God bless our study!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Read Exodus 15
After Israel is rescued, they naturally worship the Lord. They sing praises to him. No doubt there was some spontaneous singing and praise. No doubt some carefully composed or compiled songs that would be saved for posterity. More than for posterity...the Song of Moses is preserved for carefully instruction of the next generation.
You see, Moses praises the Lord for the rescue, but he also prophesies future victories. I'm sure that Edom and Canaan had not yet heard about the rescue (they didn't have Google News back then), yet Moses says that they are still as a stone, and that dread has fallen upon them. Moses is inspired by the Spirit of God to predict Israel's future possession of the land.
God had promised. God had begun to fulfill in this rescue from Egypt. God would continue to make good on his promise. And Moses is confident of that.
But Israel does not yet quite enjoy the complete fulfillment of the Promised Land. They are rescued from slavery, yet they are thirsty. They cry out to God. God provides drinking water for them. Tomorrow we will see that they get hungry. We will see God miraculously provide again.
But their situation is very similar to ours right now. God has promised us a Heavenly home. We have been rescued from the slavery of sin and death by our Savior Jesus. Yet we still have (much smaller) struggles and worries. It seems almost silly for Israel to panic over water though God had just miraculously rescued them from Egypt. But for them the problem was very real and deadly. So too, some day we will look back on our worry and fear and see that it looks silly, for Jesus has rescued us from slavery! Yet for us now these problems are very real and deadly.
Thanks be to God that he is patient with us. He hears our cries. He provides. Let us not grumble against him, but cry out to him in faith. He hears. He cares. He rescues.
Thanks be to God!
Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders? you stretched out Your right hand; the earth swallowed them. You have led in Your steadfast love the people whom You have redeemed; You have guided them by Your strength to Your holy abode (Ex. 15:11-13)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Crossing the Red Sea
Read Exodus 14
And so they passed through the Red Sea. Many skeptics shrug this off as untrue, legendary lore. Some Christians believe what it says here, but will say that God used natural causes to part the waters. I say, what's the point of that? Sure, God could have used some sort of incredible "natural" phenomenon to make the wind blow with enough force in the right spot to separate the waters so they could pass through - I suppose. But when we accept all the other miraculous events in this account, why would we waste time and energy trying to postulate God's methods? Let's rejoice in the miraculous salvation! A miraculous pillar of fire and cloud to lead them, and even to protect them from the Egyptians! Chariot wheels becoming wobbly and falling off! The "wall" of water on the left and on the right, and dry ground underneath! Then, when Israel is safe, the walls come crashing in on the Egyptians! God is a mighty, powerful God. He rescues them from slavery and oppression. He rescues them from death. He leads them safely through peril and disaster. He makes them a new people, a people led and taught by him. He makes them mighty before the nations of the earth. He leads them to the Promised Land, a land of abundance and ample provision. Amazing!
And even more amazing is that this history is ours. This real, true, actual (and miraculous) event is a type that points forward to the greater rescue from spiritual death. Jesus has rescued from sin, from the devil, and from hell. We have an exodus from the kingdom of the devil to the kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven. The Lutheran Study Bible comments on Israel's passage through the Red Sea: "Israel is powerless to make this drastic change on its own, but God intervenes to provide the way. We need this kind of drastic change in our own life or we are doomed to slavery in sin and death. God has intervened for us in Baptism (1 Cor. 10:1-2), saving us from our old slavery in sin and bringing us into the new freedom of the Gospel" (TLSB p. 120).
I deserved to be overtaken by this slavery to sin and death. I deserved to be drowned in the Red Sea. And I was powerless to prevent any of that from happening. But my Christ came and fought for me, saved me, died for me. Thanks be to God!
Ask Yourself:
Do I rejoice in God's miraculous salvation?
What sin tries to enslave me still? What does God's miraculous rescue of Israel say to me in my situation?
Who in my life needs rescue from the slavery of sin? What can I do to help them?
Pray from your heart today. Thank God for the salvation you have in Christ. Thank him for the freedom from sin and death that he has won for you. Ask him to help you reach out to the people around you (especially anyone you identified as you examined yourself with the questions above). Ask him to make you a bold witness, and a bearer of Good News.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Passover
Read Exodus 12
Today we hear about God's rescue of Israel through the Passover. This Passover, we know, pointed forward to Jesus Christ. Israel's history is our history. We also have rescue from the slavery of sin, death, and the devil through Jesus, the Passover Lamb. Is it coincidence that Jesus was crucified on the feast of the Passover? Is it coincidence that the lamb was supposed to be male and unblemished? Is it coincidence that the lamb's blood smeared on the door posts meant that the angel of death passed by? Is it coincidence that we who are covered with the blood of Jesus are rescued from death?
Coincidence? NO WAY! Thanks be to God for this incredible plan of salvation.
Some words of a hymn facilitate our meditation today, and also serve as our closing prayer.
Not all the blood of beasts
On Jewish altars slain
Could give the guilty conscience peace
Or wash away the stain.
But Christ, the heav'nly Lamb,
Takes all our sins away;
A sacrifice of nobler name
And richer blood than they.
My faith would lay its hand
On that dear head of Thine,
While as a penitent I stand,
And there confess my sin.
My soul looks back to see
The burden Thou didst bear
When hanging on the cursed tree;
I know my guilt was there.
Believing, we rejoice
To see the curse remove;
We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice
And sing His bleeding love.
(LSB 431, Public Domain)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A Baby Boy
Blessings on your Christmas celebration. It is a most wonderful day!
A Baby Boy
Tired mother, labor done,
Doting husband, faithful one,
See what joy the Newborn brings,
Joseph smiles, Mary sings.
See her touch His tiny nose
Kiss His fingers, count His toes.
That God became a baby boy
Fills my heart with love and joy.
Oh, let me kiss my Savior too!
Night sky opens, piercing light,
Glorious angels shining bright,
Hear what news compels the choir
Glowing pure in holy fire,
The herald tells of God's good grace,
Peace to all the sinful race.
A Savior now a baby boy
Will fill the world with Gospel joy.
Oh, let me tell the Good News too!
Winded shepherds, staring eyes,
Full of wonder, great surprise,
Pausing now at wooden bed
Bending knee, bowing head,
These lambs are gathered in His fold
Then run and praise the One foretold.
The Shepherd now a baby boy
Will die and rise to give sheep joy.
Oh, let me sing his praises too!
- Rev. Jonathan Gruen
Soli Deo Gloria!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
A Fool
Read Proverbs 10:17-32
Read Exodus 11
We read in Proverbs 10:25, "When the tempest passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous is established forever."
The tempest is almost upon Pharaoh. Here God tells Moses what he will do to free them. All Egypt will mourn when God punishes them. Israel, however, will be delivered from the devastating plague on the firstborn. They show themselves to be wise by listening to God's instructions.
Pharaoh does not listen, and is a fool. The Lutheran Study Bible helps us understand that term. We read, "When the Bible in general - and Proverbs in particular - speaks of foolishness, the first and most important point to remember is that it describes a moral and spiritual condition...The fool is one who does not have the proper fear of the Lord. Consequently, such a person is likely to deny God's Word." (TLSB p. 1016)
So, do we have the proper fear of God? Do we deny God's Word or take it seriously? Do we hear God's warnings and commandments and know that to walk in his ways is life, and to disobey is death? So many people think God's rules are outdated. Then they wonder why they are terribly suffering so! And then they feel outraged that God is punishing them. Really, God is only chastising gently! They are feeling the consequences of their own actions. They are punishing themselves.
The wages of sin is death. The fool does not understand this. May God strengthen us to be wise! The wise see their sins forgiven in Jesus. The wise hunger for God's commands so they know how to live. The wise seek God's strength to walk in his ways. Lord, Jesus, strengthen me!
Ask Yourself:
How have I been foolish lately?
What is the wise Word of God telling me to do instead?
What can I do to turn fools into wise people?
Lord, keep us steadfast in your Word;
Curb those who by deceit or sword
Would wrest the kingdom from your Son
And bring to nought all he has done.
Lord Jesus Christ, your power make known,
For you are Loud of lords alone;
Defend your holy Church that we
May sing your praise triumphantly.
O Comforter of priceless worth,
Send peace and unity on earth;
Support us in our final strife
And lead us out of death of life.
(LSB 655)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Love Covers All Offenses
We will read the Proverbs of Solomon now in smaller chunks. The chapters to this point where long and drawn out metaphors. Now we get into the short sayings, so we'll digest fewer at a time. I find that there is so much wisdom in here, certainly much more than we catch in a reading session. This is why it is good to return often to the proverbs for divine wisdom and guidance.
There are other ancient writings that share wisdom. We can certainly learn from these other sources as well. But there is something different about the Wisdom Literature of the Bible and other sources of wisdom. The difference is that Biblical Wisdom is also prophetic, typological, and christocentric.
You see, we already saw in Chapter 8 a prophecy of Christ. You won't see that in non-Biblical wisdom. Today also we see a phrase that can be taken as a general truth, but in the context of the rest of Scripture we see that it means much more. In verse 12, Solomon says that love covers all offenses. On a human level, we see that we are more willing to tolerate the failings of those we love. While this is very true, it is only part of what God is revealing to us. No, God tells us most of all that his love covers all offenses.
We see this fulfilled in Christ. Oh, I have so many offenses against him: sins of thought, of word, of deed; sins of omission, sins of commission; sins of which I am aware, sins of which I am unaware. All these offenses - all of them - are covered by Jesus' love. They are covered as his love causes him to pour out his blood for me. What sins do I have left that aren't covered? Baptized into Christ, I am covered in his righteousness. All my sins, though like scarlet, have become white as snow. They have been cast off from me as far as the east is from the west. They have been cast into the depths of the sea.
Solomon says that love covers all offenses. We see this fulfilled in its fullest sense in Christ, who dies for me - and for you. All this forgiveness is for you too. And if you are like me, you are encouraged by this love of Jesus to strive best we can (though imperfectly, unfortunately) to let his love shine through us and cover the offenses of others. Yes, if forgiveness is freely given out by us, then relationships begin to be repaired, annoying characteristics of others are borne in love, sins are forgotten, and differences minimized. Love covers all offenses. May God strengthen us to cover others' offenses!
Read Exodus 10
Pray from your heart today, confessing your sins to Jesus. He will cover them with grace and mercy. Ask him to help you to live in love, to forgive, to live at peace with others, to promote good works within others as well. Pray that love would characterize the lives of all his people.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Two Roads
Two roads lie before us: the way of wisdom and the way of folly. They both call to us, beckoning us near. One is a way of life, health, and peace. One is a way of immorality, destruction, and death.
Two roads lie before us. But which is which? Our sinful nature votes for the wrong one. Part of being sinful is not just having a hard time changing, but not even wanting to change. It is hard to drive out sin because we enjoy sin. It is hard to resist temptation because our sinful nature wants to give in. It is fun, our nature thinks. So, our sinful nature tries to convince us: "Stolen water is sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant " (9:17). But the one who believes these words and gives in doesn't realize that down that road there is death.
On the other hand, the wisdom of God calls us to trust in him for the forgiveness of sins, for life, and for salvation. The wisdom of God calls us to see the cross of Christ. See what our terrible sins have done! See also what the undeserved love of God has done! See how our sinful nature is undone! Oh, my Savior, crushed for me. How can I go on sinning. How can the temptations seem sweet when I behold my beaten and bloody Savior? No! Two roads lie before me. I will walk in the road of wisdom, the way of peace and righteousness, the Way of Jesus. Even if I should have to bear a heavy cross, my Lord's was heavier than mine. Let me carry my cross and follow Jesus. After all, it is the way to heavenly peace.
Read Exodus 9
Pharaoh chooses the wrong way. Some of his servants learn to fear the Lord. They listen to Moses and begin forcing inside the servants and finding shelter for their livestock. Pharaoh's heart became more hardened, but some because wise.
Unfortunately for the Egyptians, Pharaoh's hard heart meant more trouble and misery for Egypt. It is as God says in Proverbs. There are two options. And we know which way is the way of Life.
Pharaoh will never really truly change his mind, though he does relent for just a time. And we see in Pharaoh the damaging destruction of what sin can do to a person. Pharaoh was regarded as a god by his people, but we see him as a tragic figure. We see what rebellion against God earns him.
I think I would certainly have been terrified by the plagues. Don't you?
Ask Yourself:
What sins do I not even want to give up? Which sins do I want to give up but haven't been able?
Those around me have two roads from which to choose. How do they affect my choices?
What can I learn from today's readings when it appears to me that the wicked are successful and the righteous struggling?
Pray from your heart today, that God would give you the strength to make wise decisions and live for him.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Glory, Bliss, and Gladness
What hymn writer can give greater comfort than Paul Gerhardt? - a pastor and poet who knew the terrible grief of this life, and knew all the more the divine peace and consolation of Jesus.
This hymn, a Christmas hymn, brings me much peace. May it give you peace as well. Thank him today for the victory he has given to your loved ones already in glory. Thank him for the victory he has promised you as well. Thanks be to God!
O Jesus Christ, Thy manger is
My paradise at which my soul reclineth.
For there, O Lord, doth lie the Word
Made flesh for us; herein Thy grace forth shineth.
He Whom the sea and wind obey
Doth come to serve the sinner in great meekness.
Thou, God’s own Son, with us art one,
Dost join us and our children in our weakness.
Thy light and grace our guilt efface,
Thy heavenly riches all our loss retrieving.
Immanuel, Thy birth doth quell
The pow'r of hell and Satan’s bold deceiving.
Thou Christian heart, whoe’er thou art,
Be of good cheer and let no sorrow move thee!
For God’s own Child, in mercy mild,
Joins thee to Him—how greatly God must love thee!
Remember thou what glory now
The Lord prepared thee for all earthly sadness.
The angel host can never boast
Of greater glory, greater bliss or gladness.
The world may hold her wealth and gold;
But thou, my heart, keep Christ as thy true Treasure.
To Him hold fast until at last
A crown be thine and honor in full measure.
(LSB 372)
Friday, December 18, 2009
This chapter is a marvelous description of Christ. As Solomon personifies wisdom (as he does a few places in Proverbs) we hear Christ speaking loud and clear in this chapter. The Lutheran Study Bible offers some explanations for us:
"Just as Solomon's students are encouraged to acquire or possess Wisdom, so the Lord possesses Wisdom in eternity, even before His act of creation. This personification of wisdom points to the eternal nature of the pre-incarnate Christ, present at creation," (TLSB, p. 1611)
"The Lord is our Wisdom. His words and atoning works call from the heights and the crossroads of life for all humanity to hear. Like Wisdom in ch. 8, Christ calls us from worldly foolishness, judgment, and death, to obedience, God's favor, and abundant life. Christ's eternal nature, His relationship with the Father, and His work in creation mark Him as the very wisdom of God. As such, he hates the sins of the people, arrogance, evil, and perverted speech (v. 13). He calls us to do the same (Rm 12:9). He reaches out in love to all who love Him and diligently seek Him. In Christ, our Wisdom, we are rich beyond any human measure!" (TLSB p. 1013
Read Exodus 8
Lord Christ, Your wisdom brings life. You favor both the great and the humble, rulers, children, calling us from foolish sins to righteousness and truth. When we have lost our way, You are the door to all that is good and right, noble and true. Lord make us wise unto Your salvation, that by Your gracious wisodm we may truly live in your Honor. Amen." (TLSB p. 1013).
Study with me tomorrow!
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Punishing the Wicked
Read Exodus 7
The devil is a great imitator. God is light, so the devil masquerades as an angel of light. God is love, so the devil pretends to care about those who are his. God strikes the Nile, and the devil empowers the Egyptian magicians to perform a similar trick. (Though it must have been on a much smaller scale, because what water could they turn to blood that would compare to the whole bloody Nile?!?)
And Pharaoh, whose heart was hard, is deceived by the devil. He thinks there is no danger in opposing Yahweh, the One True God! But he will find out that he is gravely mistaken.
And so begins the 10 plagues, filled with terrible tragedies from God to punish the wicked Egyptians and to deliver his people. We see that God is just and powerful. God is strong to save.
To save his people, God must defeat the enemy. Even as dramatic as the 10 plagues are, this truth is no more dramatic as in the crucifixion of Jesus. He had been tempted by the devil throughout his life, and you can be sure the devil was tempting him on the cross. They insulted him and (with the voice of the devil) urged him to come down off the cross.
But Jesus remained faithful. And God rained down the plague on the devil. The cross is the devil's plague. For with the cross, Jesus crushes the devil's head, as was promised in Genesis 3:15.
God will deliver us, his people. The deliverance might be terrible and fearsome. But we need not fear. The defeat of the devil, his army of demons, and of the wickedness of the world will mean our final and complete salvation.
That's why in Advent we pray, "Come, Lord Jesus!"
Pray from your heart today. Ask Jesus to break the power of sin in your life. Ask him to rescue you from the temptations of the evil one and the evil enticement of this world. Praise him for the deliverance that is our through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Thank him for the full and complete deliverance that will be ours when he comes again.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
God's Promises and God's Wisdom
This chapter begins with a warning not to be a lazy sluggard. A little folding of the hands to rest, we are warned, and poverty will overtake us. Rather, we are encouraged to be like the busy ants, working hard and planning ahead. It is good advice.
We are also encouraged once again to listen to the wisdom of our father and mother. The teachings of Godly parents are a lamp for us. They are the way of life.
Then we are warned against adultery. The best I can tell, Solomon is warning both against actual, literal adultery, and against being seduced by false and foolish teachings. What he says about adultery is true enough, and we are adequately warned not to be immoral. But when he contrasts wisdom with adultery, we are encouraged to understand that teachings that oppose true wisdom will seduce us. But these teachings are false, and very foolish for us to believe. We get burned, as if we were holding close hot coals in our arms. We will pay for believing such foolishness.
So, still in a sort of introduction to this book, we are warned to listen carefully to true, Godly wisdom. We are warned not to be seduced by the teachings of the devil, this world, or our own sinful flesh. We are instructed to walk in the light of God's Word. May God strengthen us so to do!
Read Exodus 6
God is gracious, and though Israel does not now believe Moses (since Pharaoh said "no" and increased the burden of their labor), and though Moses does not believe that Pharaoh will listen, and though no one seems to be believing or acting, God continues to make his gracious promises. Are we so reluctant to believe his promises? Are we so reluctant to act? God's Word empowers Moses and Aaron in the end, because we see that the indeed go. Therefore, there is hope for us too! God's Word can (and will) overcome our doubts, our disbelief, and the crippling effects those have in living for the Lord.
Therefore as someone once cried out to Jesus, "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!" so also we cry the same.
A genealogy interrupts the narrative account briefly in this chapter. The reason is to show that Aaron and Moses are respectable Levites, worthy of some respect of the people. It also reminds them of the importance of the Levites in Israel's history (as we'll see more and more).
Ask Yourself:
What false and foolish voices are trying to seduce you?
Are their lazy areas in my life that could use a boost of activity?
My Savior promises to help and forgive. Will I rely on him today?
Come, Thou precious Ransom, come,
Only hope for sinful mortals!
Come, O Savior of the world!
Open are to Thee all portals.
Come, Thy beauty let us see;
Anxiously we wait for Thee.
Hail! Hosanna, David's Son!
Jesus, hear our supplication!
Let Thy kingdom, scepter, crown,
Bring us blessing and salvation,
That forever we may sing:
Hail! Hosanna to our King.
(LSB 350 1, 4)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Worse Before Better
Read Exodus 5
Pharaoh doesn't really care about who the Lord is and what he says. He isn't really thrilled that this Israelite work force wanted to take a few days off for a religious celebration. So he makes things worse for everyone. Now they must make their bricks (the same quota, by the way) without the provided straw. They must glean some stubble and try to use that.
From a human perspective we often notice that things get worse before they get better. The unemployment rate, our 401k, the economy in general, morality in the US, family tensions at home - all of these (and more) can lead us to lament: "Things will get worse before they get better."
When we use this expression, we may be trying to be realistic. Or maybe we're being cynical. Whatever the case, it's hard to be optimistic in tough times. We might even feel that though we pray and pray, but only the opposite happens.
And so we must wait it out (whatever "it" is). We wait much longer than we'd like. But we wait trusting in our Savior's love, protection, and power. Deliverance is coming for Israel. Our deliverance has come in the person of Jesus Christ. And full and complete deliverance is coming for us when we are called home. Yes, things may get worse before they get better, but because of Jesus, things will get better!
Ask Yourself:
When I see the wickedness of the world, do I still hang onto hope through Jesus?
When I'm hanging onto hope and love because of Jesus, do I realize that I can make a difference in the wicked world?
Am I tempted to consider God an enemy? Or do I trust that he has a plan, and his timing may be different from our wishes?
"Lord, forgive my accusations and inaction in view of Your Word and the obstacles I face. Grant me confidence in Your fatherly heart. Amen." (TLSB p. 104)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Straight and Narrow
Today in Proverbs we are encouraged to walk the straight and narrow path, as the expression goes. We are not to veer left or right. This way of wisdom, we are told, is a way of light and health. To stray, however, is darkness. The wicked don't even know what trips them up. But they do stumble and fall. And some must fall over and over again before they stop refusing to walk in the light.
What also catches my eye early in Proverbs are the expressions like "Hear a father's instruction" (4:1), or "forsake not your mother's teaching" (1:8). Good luck getting this through to teenagers, but we see in Scripture that parents have the responsibility of passing down their wisdom. The wise (of any age) listen humbly and take it to heart. And the best thing parents can be passing down, the highest wisdom, the teaching of light and health, is the teaching of Jesus Christ. He is the wisdom of God. His cross is God's wise plan. His Word makes us wise unto salvation.
I am thankful my parents passed this wisdom down to me. May God strengthen me to do all I can to instill it in my children!
Read Exodus 4
In the previous chapter Moses encounters the burning bush and is called by the LORD to lead Israel out of Egypt. In this next chapter, then, Moses has many doubts. God gives him three miraculous signs to perform, but Moses is still worried. He doesn't think he is a good public speaker. So God provides Aaron to do the speaking. So Moses finally sets out.
Verses 24-26 are just plain confusing (and even a little bizarre). The best we can tell is that God was upset that the leader of Israel had a son that wasn't circumcised. But what the significance is of Zipporah taking the action, or throwing the foreskin at Moses' feet, or the comments concerning the "bridegroom of blood" escape me.
But Moses does return to Egypt, and we see the beginning of Israel's deliverance set in action. The Lutheran Study Bible provides these thoughts: "Moses returns to Egypt as an act of faith. Confronting Pharaoh with God's demands and confronting the people whom he fears (4:1) proves a daunting assignment. Yet Moses obeys, and the people believe. Luther calls faith the 'skill above all skills. It is the work of the Holy Spirit alone"...There is no other way to explain the faith of Moses and of the people, and there is no other way to explain our faith. By our own reason and strength, we cannot believe in Jesus Christ. But because 'the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel,' I bow my head and worship" (TLSB p. 103).
Ask Yourself:
Do I listen to the wisdom of my parents? Do I pass on wisdom to my children?
Do I listen to God's wisdom myself and walk in the straight and narrow path? Or do I veer left or right in my beliefs, in my thoughts, in my words, in my actions?
Do I pester God with "But, but, but" (as Moses did) when he calls me in his word to trust and to act?
Pray from your heart today. Pray for faith like Moses who set out for Egypt. Pray for the Wisdom that Proverbs professes. Pray that God would be with you to help and strengthen you today.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
God Remembered. Again,
Read Proverbs 2
Read Exodus 2
Verses 24 and 25 of this chapter are most remarkable. Read them again slowly, "God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the people of Israel - and God knew."
Maybe some had given up on God. But here is assurance that though relief was seemingly slow in coming, God was at work. God could hear their groaning and see their affliction. God remembered his gracious covenant. God knew. He knew their agony. He knew their prayers. He knew their distress. He knew how to save.
So many times I comfort people who are frustrated with God's timetable. God is not answering. He is not helping. He is distant. He is making things worse. I must confess that I too have been frustrated with God's timetable. We want relief, and we want it now. We want help, miraculous divine help. We want strength and we want it instantly.
And sometimes what we want is Godly. We ache over a family member who is hurting themselves and the family. We agonize over those walking away from the faith. We hurt to see our loved ones hurting. We desire those situations to stop. Those desires are not sinful desires.
But Exodus 2 reminds us though we cannot always see God working, he sees us. Though we can't always hear his answer, he hears our prayers. Though we don't always know what God is doing, God knows how to save. And though we don't remember to trust in him, God remembers his gracious covenant.
He made a new covenant in His Blood for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus never forgets this covenant he made with us. We are redeemed by him. We are delivered from sin, just as we will soon see Israel delivered from Egypt's slavery.
That's something for us to remember!
Ask Yourself:
Who do I know who is agonizing over a straying loved one? What can I do to help?
Who do I know who is crushed with a financial, health, or relational burden? What can I do to help?
How can I remind myself to better watch for God at work?
"Lord, keep us faithful in reading and studying Your Word and in receiving Your grace through the Sacraments. Amen." (TLSB p. 1002).
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Beginning of Wisdom
Read Proverbs 1
We read that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. We are fools if we despise the instruction or the wisdom of the Lord. Proverbs is an incredible book of Wisdom for us. But to read it, we're going to have to stay humble. We must realize that we have much yet to learn. Some of what we read we won't yet understand. Some we won't yet know how to apply. This just shows all the more how much we need God's wisdom. The Holy Spirit is a patient teacher. Let us be anxious to learn!
Wisdom is personified as a woman calling us to listen. We are warned in chapter one against desiring unjust gain. It seems that being wise is avoiding violence and immorality. In fact, we will soon hear Solomon compare voices other than wisdom to prostitutes. We are to steer clear. Indulging only hurts us. No, we are called to be wise, not foolish. And wisdom starts with the fear of the Lord. That is, wisdom starts in believing in God, acknowledging him to be the Lord, giving him honor, respect, and the worship that is due him.
And we know from St. Paul that the wisdom of God (considered foolish by the world) is the cross.
Read Exodus 1
The midwives "feared" the Lord, though Proverbs hasn't been written yet. They knew it was better to risk their lives and lie to Pharaoh than to disobey God and commit murder.
If only Pharaoh had wisdom too. But since he did not know Joseph or the account of how the Hebrew people got there, he acted out of fear and the desire for self-preservation.
Things got bad for the Israelites. They became slaves and were forced to do hard labor. It was not pleasant.
But perhaps it was necessary that things would become bad for them so that they would be dislodged from Egypt. They weren't suppose to stay there forever. God had a Promised Land to give them. God had blessings in store for them. God ultimately had plans that the seed of Eve, Jesus, would die on a cross just outside Jerusalem. So, God had to get the children of Israel back to Canaan.
And their savior (notice the lowercase "s") would be Moses, for he would deliver them from Egypt. He foreshadows Jesus, who delivers the Israelites and all people (including us) from our sins.
God's plan is at work. God's plan is at work in Egypt, just as it is with us today.
Ask Yourself:
Where do I look for wisdom?
In what matters do I need God's guidance?
Do I recognize in the cross a wisdom that the world cannot comprehend?
Pray from your heart today concerning matters that confuse you, terrify you, or challenge you. Ask God to give you wisdom. Ask him to guide you and lead you. Thank you that he has given his Only Son to be the wisdom that provides salvation for us.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Lifted Up
Read Psalm 75
This Psalm is a psalm of comfort, assuring us that the righteous will have victory over the wicked. We are assured that the righteous, though downtrodden and persecuted in this life, will be "lifted up." We know that we are included in the description of the "righteous," not by anything we have done, but by our Savior Jesus Christ. And the nature of the "lifting up" we behold in Matthew 28. Jesus is lifted up (raised) from the grave. He will soon be lifted up (ascended) into heaven. And we who are clothed in his righteousness will also be lifted up on the last day to be with him in heaven. Thanks be to God!
Read Matthew 28
Now no more can death appall,
Now no more the grave enthrall;
You have opened paradise,
And Your saints in you shall rise,
Easter triumph, Easter joy!
This alone can sin destroy;
From sin's pow'r, Lord, set us free,
Newborn souls in You to be.
(LSB 633:6, 7)
Ask Yourself:
Why am I discouraged at the prosperity of the wicked? Do I not believe that God is just?
Why am I disheartened by my crosses and afflictions? Do I not believe that God will lift me up?
Is Easter joy mine right now? How can I have more Easter triumph?
Pray: (sing:)
Father, who the crown shall give,
Savior, by whose death we live,
Spirit, guide through all our days:
Three in One, Your name we praise,
(LSB 633:8)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Dying King
In both readings today we see people forsaken. In Psalm 74 we see Jerusalem and the temple destroyed, and the true believers devastated for the nations great wickedness. The cry goes out for God, the King of all, not to forsake, but to save. That prayer is answered in our Matthew 27 reading, as the King himself comes to suffer similar devastation in his own body, forsaken by the Father, to produce our salvation. We read God's Word:
Read Psalm 74
Read Matthew 27
Examine Yourself:
Turn from sin. Lust, greed, pride, coveting, stealing, hate, grudges, murder, disrespect, betrayal, idolatry, adultery, immorality - what sins hang onto you today? Confess them. Give them to Christ. See, he dies for them, for all of them. Believe the Good News: forgiveness is yours!
O sacred Head, now wounded,
With grief and shame weighed down,
Now scornfully surrounded
With thorns, Thine only crown.
O sacred Head, what glory,
What bliss till now was Thine!
Yet, though despised and gory,
I joy to call Thee mine.
What Thou, my Lord, hast suffered
Was all for sinners' gain;
Mine, mine was the transgression,
But Thine the deadly pain.
Lo, here I fall, my Savior!
'Tis I deserve Thy place;
Look on me with Thy favor,
And grant to me Thy grace.
What language shall I borrow
To thank Thee, dearest Friend,
For this Thy dying sorrow,
Thy pity without end?
O make me Thine forever!
And should I fainting be,
Lord, let me never, never,
Outlive my love for Thee.
(LSB 450:1, 3, 5)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Betrayed and Arrested
Read Psalm 73
Quote from Luther: The 73rd psalm is a psalm of instruction against the great vexation that the godless are rich and everything goes well for them. They ridicule the poor and afflicted saints as if God neither knew nor regarded them. They consider only themselves and their holy works and what they taught and said as precious, heavenly, and godly wisdom and holiness. This causes much pain, so that the psalmist says, 'I was brutish and ignorant...toward You,' that is, I was called a godless heretic and despiser of God. Then, he says: Stop! Go into the sanctuary and hear what God's Word says of them. Look at the former examples in the histories, and you will find that they all at once come to nothing, for there is no ground or foundation under them, but only slippery footing." (Reading the Psalms with Luther, CPH).
Read Matthew 26
It's Advent. We usually don't hear Maundy Thursday texts in Advent - but it's good for us. It's a somber reminder, however, what kind of a King we are preparing to welcome. The babe born in Bethlehem will one day be betrayed and arrested. He will be led to an unfair trial, sentenced, tortured, and crucified. This is what he was born to do. This is the reason he came.
When he institutes the blessed supper that gives us great peace and comfort, Jesus tells us that his blood is poured out for "the forgiveness of sins." This applies to the body and blood we receive in the supper, but also to his crucifixion, the act in which he offers his body and blood for our redemption. It is all for the forgiveness of sins.
This is why he came - for forgiveness. For me. For my wretchedness. For my brokenness. For my original sin. For my actual sin.
What comfort. And it's free. What more can be said. Thanks be to God!
Ask Yourself:
Do I daily rejoice in the forgiveness I receive?
Do I daily thank God for the comfort in my salvation?
Can forgiveness really give me peace no matter what circumstances life brings?
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but [You are] the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:25-26)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
That Day And Hour
Quote from Luther: "The 71st psalm is (by my understanding) a psalm of prayer spoken from beginning to end in the person of all Christendom against all enemies and affliction. It prays especially concerning the time of old age, when one becomes feeble and gray. That is, it prays for the last Christians, for whom the times will be dangerous, and when faith - together with the Gospel - will be cast down. In the same way, Daniel also proclaimed that the truth would be cast down and unrighteousness shall conquer. Therefore, the psalmist praises God's righteousness alone, which he has learned from God since his youth, or since the beginning.
May this be a comforting prophecy for us, that God's Word shall return before the end of the world. With this Word God will call us from the depths of the earth and mightily comfort us. From this basis comes also the general statement concerning Christ: that Elijah and Enoch shall come, the lies of the antichrist shall be exposed, and all shall again be set right." (Reading the Psalms with Luther, CPH)
Read Matthew 24
Luther's comments above fit perfectly with Matthew 24 as well. We hear about the end times, and some events that happen before the end. We can get hung up on all the doom and destruction, but we should remember that Jesus speaks such things not to scare us, but rather to prepare us and encourage us.
False Christs, famine, earthquakes, great tribulation, total destruction if the days aren't cut short...all sounds scary. But we can take great comfort in knowing that the Gospel, the Good News, will be proclaimed throughout the whole world. In other words, not only will the Good News of Jesus Christ reach all the far stretches of the globe, but also, Christianity will abide to the end.
This gives the Church (and members of the Church) great comfort. God will not abandon us. He will not let his people be swept away. He will not be defeated. The Church marches on. The Church gains victory over Satan and his kingdom. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.
So, though we are never happy with it, we should expect evil forces to constantly oppose us in America and all over the globe. Yet, we Christians stand firm in faith. Clinging to Christ, turning from sin, equipped with the armor of God, proclaiming the Word of God, we will abide until the end, and receive the crown of glory.
Ask Yourself:
Why do I fear? I am more than a conqueror through Christ!
Am I ready for the end? Am I at peace with God?
What can I do to prepare those around me?
"Lord Jesus, who in Your childhood set an example for the young to follow, by Your Holy Word teach our children, and all the rising generation, the beginning of wisdom, which is the fear of God. Cause our young men and women to shun the byways of vanity and vice, and to walk in the straight path of godliness and virtue, and make them ornaments of Your Holy Church. Grant us hearts to appreciate Your truth, that we may steadfastly continue in Your Word, and may escape the snares of these evil days. Amen."
(Read the Psalms with Luther, CPH, p. 166, 168)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Clean the Inside
Read Matthew 23
In his seven woes against the scribes and Pharisees, Jesus strongly warns against hypocrisy. I should make it clear that we are not the same as the scribes and Pharisees. They rejected Jesus as the Messiah and directly opposed him. We, on the other hand, believe in Jesus, and take his words to heart. So we are not hypocrites just like the Pharisees.
But we are warned to avoid the sin and trap of hypocrisy. We are always tempted (and sometimes succumb) to do things for show. We want to look good, not necessarily be good. But looking good before man is unimportant. God sees all. He sees the heart. He sees through the all the fake. We can't impress him with a flare of showiness.
In the end, we need to be humble and confess with the words of our psalm, "I am poor and needy!" I've been fake too many times. I've worried about what others have thought more than I've worried about the status of my heart.
The good news is this doesn't mean I am not a Christian. Christians are sinners and saints at the same time. This doesn't mean that my sin is acceptable. But it does mean that my sin is forgiven. The Father, who sees to the sin of my heart, also sees to the perfection of Jesus' heart. This perfection is placed over us. We are covered in his righteousness.
Unbelievers like to think that Christians are hypocrites. We have to admit that, yes, we can often fall into hypocrisy. But we are not hypocrites. No. Christians believe in Jesus. We are forgiven, renewed, and truly motivated to live for Jesus.
So, though I admit hypocrisy, I want to be renewed. I want to do better. I want to be clean on the inside so it shows on the outside. I want to practice what I preach. I want the love of Jesus to completely change me and renew me.
Ask Yourself:
Am I worried about impressing people, or having pure motivations?
What things do I do just for show?
What can I do differently to have a heart like Jesus, who did nothing fake, nothing hypocritically?
I am poor and needy;
hasten to me, O God!
You are my help and my deliverer;
O LORD, do not delay! (Psalm 70:5)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Bad and the Good
Read Psalm 69
Read Matthew 22
I love the show down between Jesus and the religious leaders during holy week! Jesus is asked all kinds of trick questions, and he leaves them speechless. Then he concludes this chapter with a question about the Messiah. His point was that the Messiah is David's son, but also David's Lord because the Messiah is God. But the religious leaders are just stunned. Their hate builds. Soon they will kill him. Soon Jesus will die for our sin, our sin which kills him too.
But at the beginning of this chapter, he tells us of the wedding feast that awaits all who are in the kingdom of heaven. The Gospel invitation is extended first to Israel, for Jesus came from the Jews, so that through the Jews all nations would be blessed (remember our Genesis discussions?) Though some would accept this invitation, many would reject Jesus as the Messiah. The invitation was then extended out to all. And the banquet hall is filled with the "good and the bad."
We are either good and righteous in other humans' eyes, or we are bad. But how we stand before other humans is a matter of perspective. And human judgments are not always accurate, and they are definitely not the final say on our final destination. We may be surprised to see "bad" people in heaven. Then again, some might be surprised to see us there. But whether we were considered to be bad or good by fellow humans, we enter into the wedding feast of the King through the merits of Jesus Christ. His perfect righteousness is given to us. His death forgives us. His resurrection promises us eternal life.
And that is what the wedding clothes are all about: the righteousness of Christ. That's why Jesus includes the story about the person thrown out of the banquet. It's not that someone will sneak into heaven, or crash Jesus' party (like the White House crashers we've been hearing about!). That part of the story was included to remind us that the only way to heaven is to be clothed by Jesus. We are clothed, we are covered, we are dressed by the righteousness of Christ. When Jesus says, "I am the Way," he means it. That God that in Baptism we are clothed in Christ's righteousness. That God that he strengthens us through his Gospel and through Holy Communion to live in that righteousness with confidence and peace of our everlasting home. How I long to be at that banquet!
Ask Yourself:
What Christians do I consider to be "bad"? (Come on, be honest! There are Christians we consider to be bad!)
What does this portion of Scripture tell me about how I should treat them? How is Jesus adjusting our attitude?
How can I participate in extending the invitation to those still outside the kingdom?
"Heavenly Father, thank You for preparing a table before us in the presence of our enemies and graciously calling us to dwell in Your house forever. Amen."
(TLSB p. 1630)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!