Today we finish the wonderful Sermon on the Mount. What a blessing this sermon is to us. What wonderful instructions for holy living, and such Good News given to all Jesus' disciples (past and present) that he has come to fulfill this Law on our behalf. Filled with his Spirit, let us take this instruction to heart and gladly live it.
Read Psalm 54
Quote from Luther: "The 54th psalm is a psalm of prayer against the persecutors who seek the life of the godly on account of the Word of God. Thus Saul and those in Zipah had attempted to kill David on account of the Word of God, through which he had been called and consecrated to be king. The psalmist prays for deliverance from his enemies and for vengeance upon them."
Read Matthew 7
St. Augustine has summarized the analogy of the wise man who builds on a rock this way: "If Christ is the rock,...that man builds in Christ who does what he hears from Him" (TLSB, p. 1593). Indeed, several places in Scripture call Jesus the Rock. Many psalms even refer to God as the Rock of our Salvation.
And we build our proverbial house on that Rock of Jesus Christ when we hear Jesus' words and do what he says (that is, putting our faith in action). In another place (John 15), Jesus has encouraged us to remain in his Word, that is, remain in him and he will remain in us and we will bear much fruit.
There are multiple results of remaining in Jesus Word. In John 15 Jesus focuses on the good works that we do because of the Word. Here in Matthew 7, Jesus focuses on our being able to weather all the rain, floods, and wind of this troubled life.
Notice that the wise man still has the storm hit his house, just like the foolish man. But the difference is that the wise man can stand firm and not be swept away. So we all will have tragedies, sadness, struggles, and pains in this life. But the wise man has a way to cope. He has trust in a God who will hold him firm. He has stability because this God is his Rock and solid Foundation.
The man who is wise unto salvation and builds his house on the Rock is a man who believes in Jesus. Jesus suffered the tempest of the Father's just and violent wrath. Jesus was crushed by that wrath, was afflicted and smitten down. But Jesus, after suffering, bleeding, dying, and lying dead in a tomb, came back to life. He now is the Foundation, the Rock that will never be shaken. Never. Never never.
You and I who are built on him cannot be shaken either. Yes, trials will come. But trials will also go. And when we attain everlasting life, all storms will cease. No more suffering, no more troubles, no more tribulation. And we can rejoice and thank the Rock of our Salvation, that he forgave our sins, founded us upon himself, and kept us safe and strong. Thanks be to God!
Ask Yourself:
Am I quick to judge others? Do I judge hypocritically? Do I confront others with God's Law only humbly, carefully, and lovingly?
How can I better treat others? Where do I get the strength to treat others the way I would like to be treated?
Can others tell I am a healthy tree by the good fruit that I bear? If yes, how can I do even more? If not, how can I turn my life around?
Christ is made the sure foundation,
Christ, our head and cornerstone,
Chosen of the Lord and precious,
Binding all the Church in one;
Holy Zion's help forever
And our confidence alone.
Grant, we pray, to all Your faithful
All the gifts they ask to gain;
What they gain from you, forever
With the blessed to retain;
And hereafter in Your glory
Evermore with You to reign.
Praise and honor to the Father,
Praise and honor to the Son,
Praise and honor to the Spirit,
Ever three and ever one:
One in might and one in glory
While unending ages run!
(LSB 909:1, 3-4, Public Domain)
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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