Saturday, November 14, 2009


O Holy Spirit, fill us with wisdom and understanding as we study Scripture today. Then strengthen us to put faith in action. Amen.

Read Psalm 55

Read Matthew 8

We usually read the events of Matthew chapter 8 in little chunks. There is so much to talk about with each one: the faith of the centurion; Jesus' authority to heal; Jesus' power over the wind and waves; why Jesus wants to keep some miracles a secret; the fearful reaction of some; and much more.

But how fun it is (yes, fun is the right word) and how very encouraging it is to read the whole chapter all at once, to hear rapid fire about this miracle and that display of power. In this chapter, Jesus' divine nature shines brightly through. We who are his disciples are reminded that Jesus is powerful, he is merciful, and neither the literal nor metaphorical storms of life and neither the wicked on earth nor the terrible demons can overcome him. He is God in the flesh. And he has come not to destroy, but to bless, to heal, to save.

This same Jesus is our God. He is still human, though now he has conquered death and has risen to life never to die again. He is still divine, and now he always and fully uses his divine powers. And this Jesus is active and working in our lives. He has the power to heal. He has the power to calm our storms. He has the power to chase away demons. He has the power to forgive our sins, to carry us safely in life and in death, and to raise us up to new life.

Now, he doesn't promise to always heal us or always calm our storms in this life. However, he does promise that someday he will completely heal, completely rescue, completely save us. Until that day, we are encouraged by the mighty miracles we see in the Bible. Yes, God is active in this world. And yes, God knows and God cares about our situation. Thanks be to God!

Ask Yourself:

What storms in my life to I pray that Jesus would calm? Do I remember that if God appears to be slow in calming them, we know that he will keep his promise sooner or later?

What healing does my loved one need? What healing do I need? Do I have faith that God can heal?

Jesus speaks about the cost of being his disciples. What does it cost me? Do I willingly or begrudgingly "pay the price"?


Pray from your heart today. Pray for healing for your loved ones, for members of the church, and for yourself. Pray that you all would remember that Jesus has the authority and the power to heal and to calm storms. Ask for his Spirit to strengthen you all if the answer is "wait."

Study with me Monday,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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