What a joy it is to study God's Word daily. I have been truly blessed since starting this study. I hope you have too. May God bless our study again today!
Read Psalm 59
Quote from Luther: "The 59th psalm is a psalm of prayer and can very well be spoken in the person of Christ, who lamented over those who by their teachings stood arrayed against Him, to condemn and disavow Him. Thereby they have their reward: They come into the city at evening like hungry dogs, yet find nothing." (Reading the Psalms with Luther, CPH)
Read Matthew 12
What an incredible chapter! And so shocking for the Jews to have experienced, I'm sure. Jesus says that something greater than the temple was present. We know he was referring to himself. Jesus says that he, the Son of Man, was Lord of the Sabbath. And on the Sabbath he allows his disciples to "work" at picking the grain. Then he himself heals on the Sabbath (too much work for the Pharisees!) and claimed that it was lawful to "do good" on the Sabbath. No wonder they conspired to destroy him.
Jesus discerns their thoughts and rebukes them. He declares more shocking things: something greater than Jonah had arrived. Then, something greater than Solomon too?
Hmm...who is this Jesus? Greater than the temple, than the Sabbath, than Jonah, than Solomon...Stronger than demons...More powerful than sickness and infirmity...More authoritative than the Pharisees and unafraid to speak his mind.
This Jesus could only be God. And how terrifying that should be for humans, especially when we hear Jesus say "I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."
Notice that I said "how terrifying that should be." It would mean condemnation for all our sinful words, except this Savior was loving to be crucified for us. Jesus today says, "For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
Jesus laid in the tomb to forgive my sins. This Jesus, greater than the temple and Solomon and all the other listed things, this Jesus is pleased to die for me. And rise for me! Let's not forget that. I too, baptized into his death and resurrection, will rise too. No need to fear the judgment now - though I do seek to live for him with all my heart in thanksgiving for the indescribable gift! Thanks be to God.
Ask Yourself:
Do my words justify me (show my innocence) or condemn me? Do I need to work on cleaning up my speech?
How can I better recognize Jesus' authority and appreciate his words?
How will I live for the Lord today?
Guard my mouth, O Lord, from speaking words that would detract others from Your truth. O Jesus, My Prophet, Priest, and King, accept the praise I bring because You revealed to me the sign of salvation. Amen.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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