Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 2 - Society

Welcome! If you started studying with me yesterday, then welcome back! If you are just checking this Bible study tool out for the first time today, then I invite you to look around on this site and learn what this is all about. Then I invite you to pull out your Bible, block out other distractions, and study the Word.

Read Psalm 2

Quote from Martin Luther: "Psalm 2 is a prophecy of Christ, that He would suffer, and through His suffering become King and Lord of the whole world. Within this psalm stands a warning against the kings and lords of this world: If, instead of honoring and serving this King, they seek to persecute and blot him out, they shall perish. This psalm also contains the promise that those who believe in the true King will be blessed." Reading the Psalms with Luther: CPH.

Read Genesis 2

Quote: "This created order is also beautiful. God took delight in it and thought it was 'very good.' When it is functioning in the way that God intended, we will enjoy this relationship and will delight in it, because there is a Godlike quality about it." Wayne Grudem ed. "Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood." Crossway Books, p. 54


We see a stark contrast in our readings today. In Genesis 2 we have a "zoomed in view" of day 6 of creation. We see God form man (Adam) out of the dust and then breathe life into him. We see that it is not good (!) for man to be alone, and then we see God take Adam's rib and create (literally "build") woman. Then we see the institution of marriage. A man, united to his wife (finally, a precious creature good enough for Adam!), both completely trusting, safe, united in body, soul, and mind. Different, yet joined together. Separate beings, yet united. Both valuable and precious, yet ordered in God's Creation.

This marriage is the building block of society. Even still today, after the curse, society flourishes where marriage flourishes. A Godly man, a Godly woman, raising Godly children, and the earth is blessed. Not that it is perfect today, or without exception. Not that we even come close the "ideal," or rather, the original perfect design. We are all sinful. We all fall short. Hebrews 13:4 says, "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled," but we fall far short. Before marriage, during marriage, and after marriage (death, or unfortunately divorce) are we keeping ourselves pure?

But sexual sins aren't the only problem. After the Fall (which we will read about tomorrow), All kinds of wickedness surround us. And so in Psalm 2 we do not see a beautiful, perfect marriage in a new, glorious, and perfect Creation. We see nations raging, peoples plotting, kings taking a stand against the Lord and his Anointed (Christ)!

But God hasn't given up on us! Luther's quote above reminds us that Jesus came to live, to die, and then to rule. We, children of God by grace through faith, are under his reign, living in his Kingdom. And so God is at work to re-order us, to build our families up, to help us put the broken pieces of our life back together with his forgiveness and strength.

Linda Bartlett writes in the Lutheran's for Life quarterly journal, LifeDate, "It may appear that the culture has lost its moral footing." [and I would assert that it has!] "We may fear that the pagan culture is ready to absorb us. We may feel paralyzed and powerless to engage. But while God is doing His work, there is something we can do too. We can live. We can live as men and women eager to glorify God while He transforms the culture." (LifeDate, Fall 2009, p. 11)

And so we are comforted by Genesis 2, seeing that God is the Creator of all that is good, and that he cares very much for his valuable humans. And we are comforted by Psalm 2, for "Blessed are all who take refuge in him."

Ask Yourself

Am I honoring marriage with my words and actions (whether I am married or not)?

Am I letting the Jesus my Savior and King to rule my life? What does/would that look like?

I cannot change the world by myself, but I do have a small realm of influence. What can I do to counter the moral decline of society?


Lord God, Heavenly Father, what a wonderful earth and universe you have created! Thank you for all the goodness of creation that I enjoy. Thank you especially for the gift of marriage. Assist all who are married by your grace that with true fidelity and steadfast love they may honor and keep their marriage vows and grow in love toward You and each other. May we all be strengthened to honor and support marriage however we can. Help me to live for you. Through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Study with me tomorrow.

Glory be to God!

Pastor Jon


  1. I have the same difficulty keeping with Bible Study. I love this format. Plus, I can comment if I like.

    Hopefully, more people will.

  2. Thanks Mr. Huber! It's great to have a trusted friend and a Lutheran School teacher offer support. May God be glorified in our study!

  3. While reading the Genesis chapter I was drawn to the spot where God said, "It is not good for man to be alone," because he immediately follows that with putting Adam to work naming the animals.

    Wait! How long did Adam work before Eve came along?

    How many of us have asked this same question? How long till I finally find Mr. Right/Mrs. Right?

    I think it's important to recognize how we need to trust in God from the beginning of this process. It's so easy for us married folk to look back in hindsight, but it's so hard for those caught in the middle of this process. "God, you seem to be taking so long."

    Maybe it's our impatience as much as anything else that causes us to stop trusting God's plan and start veering onto our own. And maybe that's what leads to some of the later marital problems that you mentioned.

    How difficult, yet important it is for us to trust!
