Monday, April 5, 2010

Read Numbers 11

Read Acts 1


  1. "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?"

    Do they really not get it STILL?

  2. It is interesting how Jesus responds. He doesn't tell them this is a bad question. And, he even gives them an answer - not the answer they want, mind you, but he does answer their "when" question by saying that they will not know when, only God. So it seems as if this was a legitimate question to ask. They may not yet fully understand God's whole plan (the Holy Spirit would soon be poured out and would explain everything to them), but maybe still this was a good question. If they are asking with New Testament faith, and if we hear them with New Testament ears, it may be that they are asking when Jesus will make the new heavens and new earth for his people, the Church (the New Israel), and finally and fully defeat the enemy. After all, Jesus promised his disciples that they would inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5).

    It may be true, however, that they are hanging onto the idea of a political kingdom. But we don't hear anything like that after Pentecost.

  3. I assume after he ascends they understand better, but after his resurrection I always wondered if they thought about this political kingdom still. Certainly the ascention would alter those thoughts, wouldn't it? Or perhaps, they are asking a much deeper question than I had ever thought about.
