Thursday, April 29, 2010


Read Numbers 32

Read Acts 22

Here we see Paul defend two things: himself and the message of Jesus Christ. In both cases Paul does this shrewdly, carefully, courageously.

It is not a selfish thing for Paul to defend himself. No, Paul is not interested in saving his own skin so that he can live a life of ease and self-indulgence. Paul wants to live so that he can continue to "die to himself," to die according to the sinful nature, and live for Christ. He wants to keep living on earth because it meant fruitful labor for the Lord and for those who would hear the Word he proclaimed.

If we should face accusation and persecution, it is no sin to speak a defense of yourself. Yes, Jesus says turn the other cheek, but the point there is not to retaliate. It is acceptable to speak a defense concerning yourself and preserve your livelihood best you can. However, if you are prepared to defend yourself, are you also prepared to wholly devote your life to the Lord? - to live and to die for him?

Paul also speaks a defense of the faith. As Christians we are constantly engaged in Apologetics, that is, a defense of the faith. We explain, we clarify, we give examples, we point to historical, geological, scientific evidence, we proclaim the Word, we do all we can to persuade, convince, and ultimately to glorify our crucified and risen Savior.

In this anti-Christ and anti-Christian society, we often find ourselves defending the faith and defending ourselves. As we do, perhaps we should keep in mind Jesus' instructions that we should be "wise as serpents and innocent as doves" (Matthew 10:16). So we live in God's ways, keep a clean conscience, use our wisdom and resources best we can, be careful and thoughtful, grow in knowledge and understanding, and be strong in the power of the Lord and the strength of his might.

And at the Last, Jesus will stand on the earth, and we can lay our (spiritual) weapons down. How we long for that day!


Under the shadow of Thy throne
Thy saints have dwelt secure;
Sufficient is Thine arm alone,
And our defense is sure.

(LSB 733:2, Public Domain)

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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