Tuesday, March 30, 2010

God's House

Read Numbers 7

Read Psalm 84

"The 84th psalm is a psalm of comfort. It praises God's Word highly over all things and exhorts us to gladly give up all good things - glory, power, joy, and whatever we desire - that we may hold onto God's Word. And if we should be like the doorkeeper, that is, the least of those in the temple, this would still be far better than to sit in all the castles of the godless. For God's Word (the psalmist says) gives victory, salvation, grace, glory, and all good things. Oh, how blessed are those who believe this and then keep it!" (Reading the Psalms with Luther, CPH, p. 200)

Oh, to be in God's house and to hear God's word, what a joy! Like Luther I rejoice that in God's good and gracious Word he gives us grace, glory, and salvation. And in this holy week what a joy it is to be able to worship on a very solemn Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Though it is very somber, on the Word we hear on these days are packed with forgiveness and new life for us. And then to rejoice on Easter, hearing the victory we have in Christ - what a joy that is too!

Yes, my sins killed Jesus. Yet, Jesus' death is my life. What a mystery to ponder! What a message upon which to meditate! I hope you cherish Holy Week as much as I do. God bless your solemn preparation!

Ask Yourself:

What can I do this week to better meditate on Christ's passion? Meditate? Fast? Pray? Worship?

What sins have been especially harassing me lately?

What comfort can I find in Christ this week?


"Praise and thanks to You, Lord, our God, because You have granted us Your Word which shows us the way of salvation. By Your Holy Spirit work effectually in us through this Your Word, that it may prove in us a living and fruitful seed bringing a hundredfold, and that the fruit remain to eternal life. Amen." (RTPWL, CPH, p. 201)

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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