Having finished up Leviticus, we also finish Ecclesiastes today. Tomorrow we will continue with a Psalm and a chapter of Numbers...and I think we'll continue that through the entire book of Numbers.
Read Psalm 78:1-31
Read Ecclesiastes 12
Solomon has weighed the meaning of many things. He has found many things to be empty of value. He has found that death awaits us all. He has found that this tiresome cycle of daily life does draw to an end for all of us. He has also written many Proverbs and arranged them in a book. We have already studied this book, and so we have pondered the great depth of Solomon's wisdom.
So, to summarize it all, Solomon himself gives us a sobering call to obedience. He says in these the last verses of Ecclesiastes: "13The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. 14For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil."
There is a coming judgment. That which was wicked and vain, it will be found out, and it will be punished. The only actions that have lasting value are those things that are done out of the fear of the Lord. As Luther explained all the commandments, he put in every explanation, "We should fear and love God so that..." Yes, we should have a healthy respect and honor for the Lord and should be eager to do what he asks.
After the fall into sin, everything which the world does (including us by nature) is vanity, meaningless, and evil. Jesus Christ, however, lived with meaning and purpose, for the glory of his Father. His obedience to death and his following resurrection are what redeem us and all our activities. He saves us from vanity and wickedness. He rescues us from the grave. He rescues us from eternal damnation at the judgment.
Yes, because Jesus has forgiven us and gives us his Spirit, we can fear and love God so that we keep his commandments. These actions, then, that we do in faith are actions that will please God at the judgment.
So, redeemed by Christ Jesus, and sanctified by His Spirit, we now seek to live for God's glory. His peace and strength be with you as you live for Him!
Pray from the heart today concerning the hope and peace you have in Jesus Christ. Thank God that He has given you meaning and purpose. Ask for his strength as you live for His glory, keeping his commandments. Ask Him to give you joy in your vocation, and wisdom as you seek to make God-pleasing decisions.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
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