Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Read Ezekiel 16

Read Titus 2

Whoa! Ezekiel is a bit heavy again today! Actually, there is some good application there. But maybe you'll forgive me for passing that up as I comment on Titus 2...

What is your calling? That is, what is your position and role in life? Don't say you don't have a calling! If you are a brother, sister, mother, father, friend, grandparent, employer or employee (get the picture?) then you have a God-given calling. You can please God greatly in that role as you carry out your responsibilities.

Luther took great pains to stress to the people he taught that you don't have to run off and join a monastery to please God. Rather, by grace through faith we are forgiven our sins through Jesus Christ, and then we Christians made holy by God are set apart for special work! And sometimes that special work is extraordinarily ordinary.

Here in Titus 2 we see some instructions first of all for pastors, that teaching would be sound and faithful, that we would teach and encourage the people, and that we would be models of good works, good examples for the people. I pray for God's forgiveness when I fall short. I pray for God's strength that I might succeed for the good of his kingdom! Would you pray for your pastor (whoever he might be - especially if it's me!) that he would live up to these standards?

Then also, see what you can apply to your life from the rest of it. Paul has some specific instructions for older men and women, and younger men and women. The goal is not to pigeon hole someone or to stereotype them, but what Paul is seeking to do is to have the Body of Christ act like a family. The older share their experience, wisdom, and knowledge with the younger generation. The younger are to respect and learn, be self-controlled, and mind their families. And that, of course, is only a brief summary of Titus 2, which, of course is only a brief summary of all that could be said about living out your vocation. The whole of Scripture has much to say on that topic!

Take some time to think about what God says through Paul to you today. Take some time to recall the 10 commandments. Think about your everyday life, and remember that you can (and do) serve God in that vocation. Remember that you have full and free forgiveness in Christ when you mess up (we call it "sin"), and that you have a new start in his mercy and grace.

Remember that you have a Savior who never forgot that his vocation, his calling was to suffer, bleed, and die for you. His calling was to put your well-being over his. His calling was to be cut off from the love of God that you might always dwell in that light and love.

May that Good News of your Savior, motivate you to live out your vocation to the utmost of your energy!

Ask Yourself:

What are my responsibilities in my family life? Church life? Community life?

How have I fallen short recently?

Standing in the strength and forgiveness of Jesus, how can I do better today/tomorrow?


Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go,
My daily labor to pursue,
Thee, only Thee, resolved to know
In all I think or speak or do.

The task Thy wisdom has assigned,
O let me cheerfully fulfill;
In all my works Thy presence find,
And prove Thy good and perfect will.

(LSB 854:1-2, Public Domain)

Study with me tomorrow,

Pastor Jon

Soli Deo Gloria!

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